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Guest karipto

PRO Username: karipto

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: BLUE


What have you done before the problem was there?



What have you already tried to solve the problem?

reinstalling the client


Description and Message

so i start the client everything is going well but after i login my screen goes black i cant see a thing the only time i can see something ingame is when i press windows button? why is this happening pls help!!

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189167 PRO Username: karipto

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: BLUE


What have you done before the problem was there?



What have you already tried to solve the problem?

reinstalling the client


Description and Message

so i start the client everything is going well but after i login my screen goes black i cant see a thing the only time i can see something ingame is when i press windows button? why is this happening pls help!!


Try closing the whole client and re-open it and then try logging in again, if that does not help delete your current client and download it again.

Keep me updated here on what happens


same problem

189167 PRO Username: karipto

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: BLUE


What have you done before the problem was there?



What have you already tried to solve the problem?

reinstalling the client


Description and Message

so i start the client everything is going well but after i login my screen goes black i cant see a thing the only time i can see something ingame is when i press windows button? why is this happening pls help!!


Try closing the whole client and re-open it and then try logging in again, if that does not help delete your current client and download it again.

Keep me updated here on what happens



i have same problem sir, every time i go somewhere in hoenn, going inside and out in pokemon center, house and any route loading map stuck

and i redownload my client same problem.

189167 PRO Username: karipto

Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

On which server issue happened: BLUE


What have you done before the problem was there?



What have you already tried to solve the problem?

reinstalling the client


Description and Message

so i start the client everything is going well but after i login my screen goes black i cant see a thing the only time i can see something ingame is when i press windows button? why is this happening pls help!!

189329 i have same problem sir, every time i go somewhere in hoenn, going inside and out in pokemon center, house and any route loading map stuck

and i redownload my client same problem.


Please try to redownload the client.

If this does not work it may be that the file is corrupted/damaged - please also try repairing the .zip file before extracting it.

You can do this by opening the winrar application, find the PRO .zip file - once you have chosen the file there should be a Right Click option to repair.


If this does not help please get in touch and I will try to guide you further.

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