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Make a "Coming soon" thread on the announcements.


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Many people ask what is next after Hoenn.

Is it the pc system rework? More moves? More abilities? Sinnoh? Mega stones?

Shane has already mentioned that he has a big to-do list, however it would be nice if we knew what's in order. Not only it grows the hype, but also helps us plan what to do in the game. For example:

Next things to be implemented probably by row:

1) Coding of Evasion and many moves such as Protect.

2) Mega Evolution.

3) Sinnoh.

4) PC rework system.


Now if we had something like this, I could know that it's a good time to go hunt a pokemon that works a lot with Evasion, like Blissey. Or go catch myself a Kangashkan, since mega will be coming soon. I see no reason to not have this.

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For me, that would spoil all the fun, theres no hype in it. I like the feeling of getting excited over a client update, checking the new list of content, rather than knowing what/when before it is even implemented. Also, Shane coded those stuff in his free time. He might do a random pick, depending on its completion time. So, theres no point in telling what will be coming soon, let along to make it in an accurate order. Plus, you can gather the infos on forum, and create the list yourself, on what could be a possible update in near future, as i believe they do not intended on leaking anything before it is even begin. But ofc some things/progress that could come in near future has already been said many times, such as the work of creating an auction house,double battle,,etc.

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192958 Many people ask what is next after Hoenn.

Is it the pc system rework? More moves? More abilities? Sinnoh? Mega stones?

Shane has already mentioned that he has a big to-do list, however it would be nice if we knew what's in order. Not only it grows the hype, but also helps us plan what to do in the game. For example:

Next things to be implemented probably by row:

1) Coding of Evasion and many moves such as Protect.

2) Mega Evolution.

3) Sinnoh.

4) PC rework system.


Now if we had something like this, I could know that it's a good time to go hunt a pokemon that works a lot with Evasion, like Blissey. Or go catch myself a Kangashkan, since mega will be coming soon. I see no reason to not have this.


I think the same of you

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There are cons to this as much as pros.

cons : More bickering about "this when, that when, omg ur slow" etc. etc.

pros : Feedback might be useful to improve on an idea, if it is to be open for public display.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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