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Jirachi quest (Copied to the quest walkthrough section, this will no longer be updated)

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Re: Jirachi quest (UPDATED)


<t>Since one guy mentioned that he couldn't do it with 204 eve and you can with 212, I assume the evo requirement is 210 evolved pokemon. Will soon delete this and make it a complete topic in the quest walkthrough</t>

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Re: Jirachi quest (UPDATED)


<r><QUOTE author="Sharlank"><s>

  Sharlank said:
</s><POST content="193932"><s></s>193932<e></e></POST> <IMG src="https://i.imgsafe.org/f1d10e2bd3.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgsafe.org/f32797c853.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>

130 hoenn hours<br/>

175 evos / full kanto - johto - hoenn caught data / 523 caught entries<br/>


still no jirachi<e>




Where can we find and verse the leaders? I'm guessing the Aqua leader has Kyogre?</r>

Re: Jirachi quest (UPDATED)


<t>In Origin Cave you can find the Aqua/Magma Leader</t>


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Re: Jirachi quest (UPDATED)


<r>100 Hoenn hours seem to be enough for Jirachi<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/8PUc7c1.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/>


Tip: Bring as many balls as possible, Mew and Celebi were pretty easy to catch (2 balls for each one) but this one likes to eat Pokéballs, I had to use +40 ultra +30 great and a lot of normal ones even though it was slept and false swipe'd. Or maybe it was just me having bad luck lol.</r>

Currently at 298 evos, all hoenn dex data seen/caught, & nothing happens when I touch the stone.


Mom, Birch, TV, Jirachi @ home. I did all those too.

150+ hours in hoenn


Still nothing :(



  • 3 months later...
  ShadowForce said:

Since this guide will no longer updated, I will lock it and move it to outdated guide forum.

DO NOT contact staff members for private support.

Please share the question on the FORUM due to being of use to others.

Who PMed me will get a Free Pokeball and lose 99k.

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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