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Whats your best Pokemon Card?


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194165 Mine is a Shiny gold star Charizard :Heart-eyes:


Topic moved to proper place.


P.S. Mine was the first card I ever got, a Shiny Ninetales. Probably why I have no luck with Pokemon in PRO, I got too much luck early on.


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No I sold my collection, biggest mistake of my life.



[Censored]! That really sucks, so many memories!


Haha yeah it does.

Try to watch your language by the way, the game is PG - even on the forums.


Alright, never really thought people would take that word serious, but its cool :)

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:Grin: Here we go!


The birds:





Mew/2/Typ. X:





One of the dogs:











Aside from those, many other weird shiny cards alongside light, dark and trainer versions of p'monz. All great condition here almost two decades later.

(24) Badges / (12) OT Shiny / (0) Life

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