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1. In the Pokedex, there is currently a column for a specific Pokemon being found in grass, water, day, and night. If there is a difference between using a fishing rod and surfing, add another column with a fishing rod and let that difference be known. If Squirtle is found in Vermilion City and is only found by fishing, I would like to know that so I don't spend all my efforts surfing when trying to find him.


2. Right now you can click on a Pokemon you have seen already and retrieve the list of areas that Pokemon is found. I want to be able to search an area and see the list of Pokemon that I have seen already that are located there. Add a ??? for unseen Pokemon to let the player know they need to hunt there to fill the list. IMPLEMENTED


3. The Pokemon data evolution would be a very beneficial aspect. The game is almost to the point where a player would never need to look anything up on the internet. Stating when Pokemon evolve or how they evolve would keep the players playing instead of researching on bulbapedia.


4. Add a list of TMs and HMs that a Pokemon can learn next to the moves they can learn by leveling up. Also have a hover over for a description of that move.


5. Skipo's suggestion: Add the held and drop items that Pokemon may have and include the rarity of those items.


6. Phantom0x0's suggestion: Currently, the player can hover over the abilities of the Pokemon and a description pops up. Add description in same fashion for hovering over moves the Pokemon will lean by leveling up.


7. In the dex, it states how many Pokemon the player has evolved. I would like some indication on which ones those have been. I do not want anything like in PWO with just a star next to it. My suggestion, building off a previous suggestion, if have evolution data for Pokemon, but you can only see it if you were the one who evolved that Pokemon. I request this because Eeveelutionist Devan wants to know how many Eevees the player has evolved by themselves. For those trading a lot, they may not be able to retain what Pokemon they evolved themselves.


8. YamiDragon's suggestion: Have the ability to search by type and see results from that search. My suggestion added onto this: Have a separate tab with all the types listed, and the player clicks on the type and then all the Pokemon under that type show up.




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I love reading well thought out suggestions. I really like every point that was made. Let's hope some of them are implemented. Pretentious is right there will basically be no need for bulbapedia if the last suggestion is implemented but as I think about it the only reason to do this is because of player convenience, it's a great suggestion, but is it needed when bulbapedia and other sources already exist?

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

Guest UnknownUser11

:D Working hard on such things, already had worked on a few of your suggestions already.


Fishing will probably be the same as surfing pokemon i guess. Maybe not, havent coded in fishing yet. but will see this later.


The EVO charts are going to be added, just something i havent had the time for to tackle something so time consuming of late with looking after my daughter.


You can search maps and see what pokemon are on them and it only shows what youve seen, as hexy posted a demo SS while i was working on it. :D

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