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Re: Jirachi Quest Part 1 (Latios catch location updated!)


<r><QUOTE author="LuigiRocks"><s>

</s><POST content="197586"><s></s>197586<e></e></POST> Currently at 275 evos, all hoenn dex data seen/caught, & nothing happens when I touch the stone.<br/>


I went back home, talked to Jirachi, he ran off.<br/>

I talked to mom, TV, & Birch.<br/>


Still nothing :(<br/>


Also... Rayquaza is still here for me, is this normal?<br/>

<IMG src="https://puu.sh/pLNXW/12459c30d6.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/>


My Hoenn hours is bugged when I talk to Birch, but that shouldn't effect me as long as I have enough hours in Hoenn, which I don't know if I do or not.<e>



yes, Rayquaza is still there for me too. But it's abnormal if your TV have no news in your case.</r>

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Re: Jirachi Quest Part 1 (Latios catch location updated!)


<r><IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/yl3IiBQ.png?1"><s></e></IMG><br/>


<URL url="https://i.imgur.com/yl3IiBQ.png?1">https://i.imgur.com/yl3IiBQ.png?1</URL><br/>


Latios Route 124 dive</r>

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[glow=red]It can't get Eddie Vedder than this.[/glow]

Re: Jirachi Quest Part 1 (Latios catch location updated!)


<t>150+ Hoenn hours, 298+ evolves, I've seen all the pokemon from first 3 regions.<br/>

I've fought all three regis, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, and Deoxys.<br/>

I've seen castform.<br/>

Nothing interesting is happening on the TV anymore, Birch and Mom have nothing new to say.<br/>


I'm lost.<br/>

What else is there for me to do?</t>



Re: Jirachi Quest Full Demo. (Part 1+2)


<r>Guys, The Part 2 was updated <E>:Grin:</E> <br/>




<QUOTE author="LuigiRocks"><s>

</s><POST content="199294"><s></s>199294<e></e></POST> 150+ Hoenn hours, 298+ evolves, I've seen all the pokemon from first 3 regions.<br/>

I've fought all three regis, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, and Deoxys.<br/>

I've seen castform.<br/>

Nothing interesting is happening on the TV anymore, Birch and Mom have nothing new to say.<br/>


I'm lost.<br/>

What else is there for me to do?<e>



I remember you inbox me for the Celebi quest, so did you have 351hrs total playtime above yet?<br/>


I would like to know your<br/>

1. Total playtime<br/>

2. Evolve number in Hoenn (need to count yourself which with a "star" in dex, I have 59 Hoenn evolve data)<br/>

3. Mew/Celebi Caught data?<br/>



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Re: Jirachi Quest Full Demo. (Part 1+2)



I tried to encounter Jirachi, it wouldn't let me.<br/>

I went and caught and Celebi, then tried again and I could encounter Jirachi that time.<br/>


<B><s></s>So apparently another requirement is: Encounter Mew and Celebi.<e></e></B><br/>


to answer your question though:<br/>

438 hours<br/>

59 or 60 evolves, i lost count somewhere. whatever the max is.<br/>

I had mew caught and seen data, but I didn't encounter Celebi, although I had its seen data previously.<br/>

You HAVE to encounter Celebi I guess.<br/>

If someone could confirm that, it'd be great.</r>



Re: Jirachi Quest Full Demo. (Part 1+2)


<r><QUOTE author="LuigiRocks"><s>

</s><POST content="199841"><s></s>199841<e></e></POST> So...<br/>

I tried to encounter Jirachi, it wouldn't let me.<br/>

I went and caught and Celebi, then tried again and I could encounter Jirachi that time.<br/>


<B><s></s>So apparently another requirement is: Encounter Mew and Celebi.<e></e></B><br/>


to answer your question though:<br/>

438 hours<br/>

59 or 60 evolves, i lost count somewhere. whatever the max is.<br/>

I had mew caught and seen data, but I didn't encounter Celebi, although I had its seen data previously.<br/>

You HAVE to encounter Celebi I guess.<br/>

If someone could confirm that, it'd be great.<e>



well I used my 2nd account to try this, my 2nd account playtime 331hrs. (45hrs in hoenn)<br/>

my 2nd account didn't catch Mew and Celebi (and no celebi seen data)<br/>

but i still can watch the news in TV after being hoenn Champ.<br/>


so... i have no idea of your case at this moment...</r>

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Re: Jirachi Quest Full Demo. (Part 1+2)


<r><QUOTE author="carlho"><s>

</s><POST content="199843"><s></s>199843<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="LuigiRocks"><s>
</s><POST content="199841"><s></s>199841<e></e></POST> So...<br/>

I tried to encounter Jirachi, it wouldn't let me.<br/>

I went and caught and Celebi, then tried again and I could encounter Jirachi that time.<br/>


<B><s></s>So apparently another requirement is: Encounter Mew and Celebi.<e></e></B><br/>


to answer your question though:<br/>

438 hours<br/>

59 or 60 evolves, i lost count somewhere. whatever the max is.<br/>

I had mew caught and seen data, but I didn't encounter Celebi, although I had its seen data previously.<br/>

You HAVE to encounter Celebi I guess.<br/>

If someone could confirm that, it'd be great.<e>



well I used my 2nd account to try this, my 2nd account playtime 331hrs. (45hrs in hoenn)<br/>

my 2nd account didn't catch Mew and Celebi (and no celebi seen data)<br/>

but i still can watch the news in TV after being hoenn Champ.<br/>


so... i have no idea of your case at this moment...<e>


But can you actually catch Jirachi?<br/>

I was able to watch the news, find Latios/Latias, etc. I just couldn't touch the shiny stone on the Moon.</r>



Re: Jirachi Quest Full Demo. (Part 1+2)


<r>Thanks for the guide, Carl! <E>:y:</E> <E>:Grin:</E> Quick question, I noticed in your video you used Super Fang to lower Jirachi's health - any reason why you'd use that over False Swipe?</r>

Re: Jirachi Quest Full Demo. (Part 1+2) [Latios Images Updated]


<r><QUOTE author="SkySeraphim"><s>

</s><POST content="200204"><s></s>200204<e></e></POST> Here's the image for Latios at Granite Cave 1F2<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/2y6HA0R.png"><s></e></IMG><e>



Thanks <E>:Grin:</E> You got the same location as Carlhold<br/>


<QUOTE author="nightjay"><s>

</s><POST content="200634"><s></s>200634<e></e></POST> Thanks for the guide, Carl! <E>:y:</E> <E>:Grin:</E> Quick question, I noticed in your video you used Super Fang to lower Jirachi's health - any reason why you'd use that over False Swipe?<e>


should use false swipe better :P</r>

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