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Hello guys i bought membership for first time so i need you tell me some things i can do that i could not before

What pokemons to catch in where areas to go and whatever you found usefull



Thanks in advance :Grin: :Grin:

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Well, this is copied and pasted from the account page.

"Bonus 50% EXP!

Double Money Gained!

Access to Members Only Areas

Early Access to various Pokemon!

Access to unique Members Only Clothes, Hats and Mounts (From various Quests and NPC Shops ingame)!"


The Pokemon highlighted in pink in these guides are the membership exclusive Pokemon.

Kanto and Johto spawn guide: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=17244

Hoenn spawn guide: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=32439

NOTE: Neither of these guides are fully up to date but most of the information is accurate.


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


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not quit correct, the pink one are ms exclusive for that area, not overall

only real ms poke i remember right now is pachirisu only available in kanto power plant

you have to look at the spawn guides jolly linked and filter the ms only ones urself =)

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