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Daily/Weekly Reset


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Now that we have more dailies then just the one in Celadon, i think its time we talk about a daily reset. I don't wanna jot down what time i did this daily so i know when to do it tomorrow, what if i cant do it at the same time everyday? Then my my whole schedule is out of wack. It would just be nice if the dailies reset at a certian time of the day (i.e 12am pst or something around such a time whichever time zone the staff decides on but either way).


I'm just tired of if i don't jot down what time i did the quest at i have no idea when to do them, this also applies to bosses but i'm not so sure on that one considering if everyone did the bosses on the same day then the economy could go out of wack by the influx of rare pokemon on the same day. Just saying, at least consider the daily reset would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice and helpful.

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201104 Might help their memory as well because they only have to store a yes/no rather than an exact time




Also wanted to talk about this but forgot, if we don't get an exact time that bosses all reset after every 2 weeks at least let us click on them and let us know if we can fight them before engaging the fight. Like how when you go to Erika she says "check timer or learn giga drain" an option for "check timer" being on every boss and if we can show "you can fight this boss" or something p l e a s e. I'll admit i thought it wasn't time where i could fight then then i accidently fight them with a level 100, parasect, and xatu. Then i will go and cry because of the reward i have just wasted.

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Yeah this would be really nice, i have unpredictable work hours and sometimes i get home around midnight and do dailies then i can't do them the next day because i get home early and go to sleep before midnight, making me miss a day. I'm sure others have similar situations.

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