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Today i was thinking about :

- how it would have been if in place of joey youngster (the npc with 6 ratatas ) it was the npc ash ketchum ?, because after their lose his hat by fault a mankey i dont have seen him.

- if it was in the place of joey joungster the requirement could be has a pikachu lvl 90 in my team and if i win it gives me a pokemon shiny of first generation (not shiny legendary )

-if the npc hoenn traveler could be scoot (the npc in pokemon emerald who is searching by a powerful trainer )


- some day is going to put the precision / evasion system functionally correctly ??

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200446 Today i was thinking about :

- how it would have been if in place of joey youngster (the npc with 6 ratatas ) it was the npc ash ketchum ?, because after their lose his hat by fault a mankey i dont have seen him.

- if it was in the place of joey joungster the requirement could be has a pikachu lvl 90 in my team and if i win it gives me a pokemon shiny of first generation (not shiny legendary )

-if the npc hoenn traveler could be scoot (the npc in pokemon emerald who is searching by a powerful trainer )


- some day is going to put the precision / evasion system functionally correctly ??


200446 Today i was thinking about :

- how it would have been if in place of joey youngster (the npc with 6 ratatas ) it was the npc ash ketchum ?, because after their lose his hat by fault a mankey i dont have seen him.

- if it was in the place of joey joungster the requirement could be has a pikachu lvl 90 in my team and if i win it gives me a pokemon shiny of first generation (not shiny legendary )

-if the npc hoenn traveler could be scoot (the npc in pokemon emerald who is searching by a powerful trainer )


- some day is going to put the precision / evasion system functionally correctly ??


1/ Joey Youngster is legend in original pokemon, he is not ash ketchum.

Youngster Joey is a Pokémon trainer NPC who first appeared in the second installment of the Pokémon series. His constant boasting about his low-leveled Rattata, which he claims is in “the top percentage of Rattatas”, along with his excessive phone calls, has managed to garnered attention with fans of the series. Additionally, Joey is Professor Elm's assistant and his errand boy. His partner Pokémon is Rattata.

About Ask Ketchum, PRO will add more story and quest related to him, don't worry.

2/ Joey not like pikachu, because Ask use it for beat him. As I said above, his partner is Rattata and his team is well-know and legend for all fan of Pokemon. I don't see any point for requirment pikachu Lv90 as it not related to him and also similar to Jessie and James boss (The requirement need to be different). And the requirment is Rat Lv80 so it very easy to get it. And his reward is Ratata Shiny, I don't think any reason for give 100% other shiny pokemon as it is MMO, not handheld game.

3/ Evasion system will be in the future, it just need the time as PRO still in development.


--Moved to proper place--

Scott was an NPC in Pokemon Emerald who was specifically scouting talented trainers to invite to the Battle Frontier. I don't think it makes sense to replace the Hoenn Traveler with Scott unless a Battle Frontier ends up being implemented. (To be fair, adding a Battle Frontier to the game might be an interesting suggestion to think about, though I'm not sure how much we'd need it considering the multiplayer aspect part of PRO.)


Also, I think keeping the Hoenn Traveler's name "Hoenn Traveler" is pretty important, since otherwise it's difficult to figure out who you need to speak with in order to access Hoenn. In my opinion the game should be scripted so that story progression is easy for players properly reading the NPC dialogue, observing NPC titles, etc - and I think the current "Hoenn Traveler" scripting does a good job of that.

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