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Rates are pretty inaccurate tbh, since there are multiple play styles for pokemon, and people may be rating off their favourite play style for that pokemon,


For example, yesterday I asked for a rate on my timid h.a dragonite, almost everyone was saying 2-3/10 even though it is quiet good in rain team, one person knew this and gave it an 8/10,


But rating is a good system to an extent.

Back again ~ I swear its the last time.


I think it's mostly down to the Pokemon's nature and IV's. A good nature plus some IVs which are 20 or higher is a good, in my opinion. I also normally go of what websites like Smogon recommend.


As for whether I think rating are good or not; I think it is an OK system but it can be greatly improved. I normally use common sense to figure out if a Pokemon is good or not and this can be applied to all Pokemon if you know what type of role that Pokemon has in a team. However I do think some sort of system needs to be put in place by the community do determine what is good or not, not only that but we need an actual definition for an 'Epic' Pokemon as that term is used very loosely and can be very misleading.


I'd like to hear what other people think too, this topic could be interesting.


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Rating a pokemon should be based on constructive feedback rather than an irrelevant, unknown number. Such as: Is it's nature good? Does the moveset tie in well? Are it's IV's for what it's capable of decent? What is the better nature? Etc.


1/10; 9/10 should mean little to the player asking the question as the player who answered that question came to that number based on their own personal opinion and strangely calculated into thus random number. I find ratings, when presented correctly, a nice interaction when does as such as the above and with enough of the same opinion, a good way to determine if the pokemon is worth keeping or scrapping.

(24) Badges / (12) OT Shiny / (0) Life

201749 Rates are pretty inaccurate tbh, since there are multiple play styles for pokemon, and people may be rating off their favourite play style for that pokemon,


For example, yesterday I asked for a rate on my timid h.a dragonite, almost everyone was saying 2-3/10 even though it is quiet good in rain team, one person knew this and gave it an 8/10,


But rating is a good system to an extent.

Here's the one person \o/

I agree that most people are smogon-slaves and don't actually consider multiple options in which one pokemon might be good ^^

But rating overall is needed for new players to get an idea of what is good and what is not, might be useful, might be harmful :)

Most rates are personal opinion, something that can be decent as 5/10, some people might give it 2/10 because they just think its that bad.

Rate depends on the nature of the pokemon and IV (Mainly att/spatt, and speed, unless it is meant for defensive.) For example, you got a pikachu with 28 spatt and 25 spd with a timid nature, this would be good for a pikachu who uses spatt, but someone might give it a low rating because either they think a physical pikachu is better or MAYBE ignorant.

My best advice would be dont relay too much on ratings, they are good but can also be bad too. Learn about the stats and natures yourself and be your own judge.

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