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/Help/ My avatar freezes between routes !!!


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hello, I have a problem with my avartar, when I try to move from one road to another my avatar freezes on the following route


I try several times to reconnect me but still the same problem

I even redownload pro but it didnt change anything



plese can you help me !!!

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202836 hello, I have a problem with my avartar, when I try to move from one road to another my avatar freezes on the following route


I try several times to reconnect me but still the same problem

I even redownload pro but it didnt change anything



plese can you help me !!!

Try waiting a minute or two, sometimes server lag or internet issues on your end can cause this issue.


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


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i tried to enter to the safari zone (kanto), so i bought a pass for 5000 pokedollars

then when i tried to move , my avatar freezed again so i've lost my money .


it's very frustrating to lose money like this !!!

help me please !!!

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202836 hello, I have a problem with my avartar, when I try to move from one road to another my avatar freezes on the following route


I try several times to reconnect me but still the same problem

I even redownload pro but it didnt change anything



plese can you help me !!!

What your OS?


--Moved to proper place--

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