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About the IV mechanics and the "egg moves"


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I'm new in the game, and haven't really looked out ALL in the forums pages, but i know that there is no breeding in the game. No problem with that actually, but i was just wondering a few things and maybe the community or some of the moderators can answer me this doubts:


1- How is the IV thing handled? you just have to catch them all and have luck to have a +4 IV pokemon of some sort? (no problem with that, just wondering)


2- Is there a IV judge? or some NPC or way to tell you the IV distribution?


3- How is managed the "egg move" thing? you know that there are some moves that are only passed down to the pokemon by breed, is there an option/tutor or way to obtain them?


thanks in advance for answering and sorry about my broken english, not my native language. :thanks:

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IVs are the same as core games, random from 1-31, pure luck whether they're on the stats the pkmn need, their natures can all so completely ruin it, so a pokemon with sync ability is useful, my advise is just look up a stat guide since it works the same.


The man's not needed any more, in core games you cant see the IV iirc, so you had to work it out what what he said, in PRO you can just see them anyway,I think to see correct spread, look at their stats on their pokedex page, the higher ones there...are what you want on the pkmn, if atk and spatk are the same, check the moves out, high spatk is no good if they're good moves are predominantly atk, but that should be on the guide too


Beat the boss Naero in Cerulean cave, then you can learn egg moves in the daycares


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