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Blue server as Default Server(First Option)


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I think this was suggested some time ago, but nothing ever came out of it (I think it wasn't exactly denied, but wasn't approved either).



It is true that new players logging in for the first time might not remember or notice that there are 2 servers, though, and that Blue needs new players. Making Blue the default for a few months might accomplish that.......or at least make the dropdown menu more noticeable. Like, adding an arrow next to it, for example.

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207708 Rather than changing the default option to Blue, I would appreciate it more if we were given the option of a default server, or at least have the client remember which server we logged in to last. It's not exactly a necessity though, just a nice thing to have.


this will most likely happen in the future.


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207708 have the client remember which server we logged in to last

This is a good idea.

204032 If new player will only enter in red server, Blue server will abandoned.

I start playing pro like a month ago and thats how it happened: I first went to red server because first of the list (i was aware of the blue server), and my client was timed out like 5 times before the selection of the kanto starter. I though this game was definitely overcrowded so i was ready to give up playing it, and then i remember of the blue server so i gave it a try thinking it could be better, and it was.

All this to say that there is a lot of new players coming to blue, and the proof is yesterday i had a 600 player queue before loging in. So no, i don't think the blue server could one day be abandoned, hence there's no need to put it as a default server like red is.

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

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Well one of the best possible option is to change the server's name to something that make both appealing . And would be nice to have blue server 1st option to increase server population and mostly make both server viable to play. Right now red server is simply not just dominating but aswell with an increase lagg issue/que issue and mostly yesteray 2/3 restarts. So viable option are there.

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208473 I think putting Blue as first option can solve problem a little, since not all newcomers are bothered which server do they start, so those would be joining blue by default. Great idea for me.

That's the reason.


This is a insignificant change that can help with the problem.(In my opiniong help a lot with new players)


Red Server Players will only change the server in ¨Select server¨.



If PRO add other server, for example ¨Green Server¨, this will become the Default server.(First option in the list)


Server with less number of player must the first option for select, this is good for a best balance.

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210618 Just FYI, I play on blue and we're getting 1000+ queues at the moment also.

Because is Sunday? (Too Holidays for a lot of countrys)


I talk about a ¨normal day¨ in PRO.




Oh guys, i need repeat that New player choose the first Option for start the game?


You only need see the help chat and All, Red player have more new players that blue server for this reason.

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