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Hello! Old PWO Player!

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207516 Heya everyone! My name is TheGr8 and I used to play PWO when that was online. I stumbled upon this the other day and I was really excited because I enjoyed my time on PWO back then! It would be cool if someone I knew back then was here thats my other reason why I'm posting this. My favorite pokemon are Arcanine, Azumarill, Latias, Rotom, Terrakion, Conkeldurr. I'm also a competitive Pokemon player :) I already beat the Kanto e4 and I'm ready to head to Johto soon, just grinding some abras so I can get some good pokes to battle with in the future! I hope to see some of you guys ingame <3 Also I love what everyone does here from the staff this game is amazing and I'm hooked on it.

Hi there! Did you use a different name on PWO? I was a player back then.

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Thank you all so much for the kind welcomes! I love the game so far! I just went to Johto!


207516 Heya everyone! My name is TheGr8 and I used to play PWO when that was online. I stumbled upon this the other day and I was really excited because I enjoyed my time on PWO back then! It would be cool if someone I knew back then was here thats my other reason why I'm posting this. My favorite pokemon are Arcanine, Azumarill, Latias, Rotom, Terrakion, Conkeldurr. I'm also a competitive Pokemon player :) I already beat the Kanto e4 and I'm ready to head to Johto soon, just grinding some abras so I can get some good pokes to battle with in the future! I hope to see some of you guys ingame <3 Also I love what everyone does here from the staff this game is amazing and I'm hooked on it.

Hi there! Did you use a different name on PWO? I was a player back then.



Nope it was the same :)

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Welcome to PRO, hope you enjoy your stay. Also, I'm pretty sure there are a few people from PWO playing PRO atm, hope you can get in touch with them; especially if there's a possibility you may have known them from PWO. Good luck! :D

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