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Maybe you could also have a filter system. Filter system for what? Well filtering out friends and guild members in case a guild member needs help you can easily search him out. I have a pretty vast knowledge of programming and I'm not really sure what language PRO uses but it seems like a in-game language that is Object-Oriented.


I would personally do something like this.

</i>  this.filters = {
   {"social", "icon.png"},           //Being Friends
   {"guildmembers", "icon.png"} //Being Guild Members


Using a array would make it so the filter system can be expanded on future updates.


Then you can easily assign a filter as a ID to which GUI the filter is associated with.

</i>temp.i = 1; //first Control Starts at 1  
 for (temp.filter: thiso.filters) {                      //Can possible use a forloop for simplicity to display the GUI Filters
   new GuiShowImgCtrl("PWO_Map_Filter_"@ temp.filter[0]) {  //Use the Filter Id, so each button is unique
     this.filter = temp.filter[0];                   //Filter_ID First param in the array
     image = temp.filter[1];                        //Image name second param in the array
     this.alpha = (client.disabled_filters.index(temp.filter[0]) > -1) ? DISABLED_FILTER_ALPHA : 1; //Is the filter active or not
     resize(screenwidth - 8 - 100 - temp.i * 48,8,32,32);  //Lets make sure the GUIFilters are aligned with the map properly
     thiso.catchevent(this.name, "onMouseDown", "onToggleFilter");  //Player clicks on the filter to toggle this option
   temp.i ++; //we add 1 every time, so the GUIButtons are separated and not on top of each other

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We could also have it as a "track this friend" addition rather than having all friends visible at once. So like when you go to Social and right-click their name it would have a "track this friend" or something like that. This would then add a mark onto your map with their current location.


The only way to become the best, is to acknowledge the worst.

For even the worst can take out the best, and the best cannot be the best

without the worst. -Nick

I like the idea, and as it's related to map i also suggest this:

I think displaying the head and only the head of player on map would be better, firstly your position is shown more precisely, and secondly with the friends-on-map system, it makes the map 2 times less flooded.

I also think it's more esthetic to have just your head on the map than your entire body (even sometime in biking position if you're on a bike), but that's just personnal opinion.

[glow=black]A limitless gratitude[/glow]

Another good idea would be a separate color for your friend's name above them in-game. White is a non-member, green is a member, yellow/orange is NPC, and blue is staff.

Perhaps purple could be your friends?



  Neydzz said:
I wanna add to this by suggesting that friends' names are in different color than the rest to distinguish them from the rest cause sometimes it can be hard to find your friends in a sea of players.


Someone else suggested this already, my bad. I still think it's a good idea, though. :Grin:

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