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Grinding, MMOs, and you


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Ok so I just wanted so start a discussion on the common misconception surrounding grinding in MMOs. Particularly the phrase "PRO is an MMO and grinding for hours/days is a part of all MMOs". Now lets just get one thing out of the way, yes this statement is mostly true, and I am not here to dispute that MMOs typically have grind-fests at some point. The main difference between PRO and the good MMOs is where and why you start grinding. In good MMOs the true grinding starts right before and during the endgame. In PRO the grinding becomes very heavy before the kanto elite four. Which for both the pvp and the pve people is not the end-game in fact personally I would consider it the mid-game, this is because after the kanto elite four there is not only two other regions but also several bosses with level 120s to get through, pvp still has to get to level 100 and max evs to do. The other major difference is the reason you grind. In the good MMOs you grind for better gear to do harder dungeons/bosses to get better gear,this is very similar to the minor grinding between gyms imo. In PRO you grind to cross the level gap between the last 1-2 gyms and the elite four but after the elite four instead of finding better training spots/pokemon you still have several quests and bosses to do/fight before you get to those places.(love island, cerulean cave, etc) You do get to go to johto but then you have to regrind and there's even more bosses/quests in johto to do which require grinding. Now I'm no game designer but I've played countless MMOs and spent countless hours in a few that have a lot of grinding, but I'm fairly new to PRO though I have played a lot of pokemon (not so much competitive) so I understand how to setup teams and movesets, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


probably the easiest way to remedy this is increase wild pokemon levels/xp in victory road or add a separate grinding spot for the elite four to make the grinding more in-line with the curve for the other 8 gyms.(you could even make the pokemon uncatchable so as to keep the catchable pokemon lower leveled)


Tldr: the phrase "PRO is an MMO and grinding for hours/days is a part of all MMOs" is an incomplete statement because the grinding is in the wrong spot and for the wrong reasons.

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211292 man if u think ev training and lvling is a hard grind u should just leave cus thats the ez part


The hard part of this game is finding epic ivs in a extremely rare pokemon with the correct ability. The extreme part of this game is the amount of praying required (the old gods and the new) to be able to pull off the desired drop from a two week cooldown boss. If I spoke freely about the latter I would probably get my account permabanned for profanity.

PRO PVP pokemon directory made by me


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211292 man if u think ev training and lvling is a hard grind u should just leave cus thats the ez part


The hard part of this game is finding epic ivs in a extremely rare pokemon with the correct ability. The extreme part of this game is the amount of praying required (the old gods and the new) to be able to pull off the desired drop from a two week cooldown boss. If I spoke freely about the latter I would probably get my account permabanned for profanity.


ya but thats the very endgame where your looking for the best stuff thats typical of MMOs my point is its weird for to have this huge pre-e4 grind rather than a more mild grind akin to preping for the 6,7, and 8th gyms.

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211292 man if u think ev training and lvling is a hard grind u should just leave cus thats the ez part


The hard part of this game is finding epic ivs in a extremely rare pokemon with the correct ability. The extreme part of this game is the amount of praying required (the old gods and the new) to be able to pull off the desired drop from a two week cooldown boss. If I spoke freely about the latter I would probably get my account permabanned for profanity.


ya but thats the very endgame where your looking for the best stuff thats typical of MMOs my point is its weird for to have this huge pre-e4 grind rather than a more mild grind akin to preping for the 6,7, and 8th gyms.


Because frankly thats the grinding point of every pokemon game ive ever played. And in PRO it sells them a lot of memberships

PRO PVP pokemon directory made by me


Pearl's Guitar SHop- My Trade Thread (Blue server)


[glow=red]It can't get Eddie Vedder than this.[/glow]

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211278 Ok so I just wanted so start a discussion on the common misconception surrounding grinding in MMOs. Particularly the phrase "PRO is an MMO and grinding for hours/days is a part of all MMOs". Now lets just get one thing out of the way, yes this statement is mostly true, and I am not here to dispute that MMOs typically have grind-fests at some point. The main difference between PRO and the good MMOs is where and why you start grinding. In good MMOs the true grinding starts right before and during the endgame. In PRO the grinding becomes very heavy before the kanto elite four. Which for both the pvp and the pve people is not the end-game in fact personally I would consider it the mid-game, this is because after the kanto elite four there is not only two other regions but also several bosses with level 120s to get through, pvp still has to get to level 100 and max evs to do. The other major difference is the reason you grind. In the good MMOs you grind for better gear to do harder dungeons/bosses to get better gear,this is very similar to the minor grinding between gyms imo. In PRO you grind to cross the level gap between the last 1-2 gyms and the elite four but after the elite four instead of finding better training spots/pokemon you still have several quests and bosses to do/fight before you get to those places.(love island, cerulean cave, etc) You do get to go to johto but then you have to regrind and there's even more bosses/quests in johto to do which require grinding. Now I'm no game designer but I've played countless MMOs and spent countless hours in a few that have a lot of grinding, but I'm fairly new to PRO though I have played a lot of pokemon (not so much competitive) so I understand how to setup teams and movesets, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


probably the easiest way to remedy this is increase wild pokemon levels/xp in victory road or add a separate grinding spot for the elite four to make the grinding more in-line with the curve for the other 8 gyms.(you could even make the pokemon uncatchable so as to keep the catchable pokemon lower leveled)


Tldr: the phrase "PRO is an MMO and grinding for hours/days is a part of all MMOs" is an incomplete statement because the grinding is in the wrong spot and for the wrong reasons.


I agree with you one the point that there seems to be a lot of grinding involved at weird parts of the game. And I did struggle in Kanto due to that. The problem being the fact that wild pokemon don't give enough exp for whichever point in the storyline,and also that most people do evolve their pokemon which makes it insanely hard.


That being said there is a way to reduce the impact of the problem or maybe completely avoid it. Just set up your team properly in advance . Using the pokemon you need to finish the gyms against the trainers in the wild to gain as much exp on the necessary pokemon. If you get a Gyrados late on in the game and try to train it just before the E4 theres a whole load of grinding to do.But if you just get a magikarp while you still have 3 badges, theres more than enough trainers to help level it up.I personally did no grinding for the Elite 4 in kanto just because my Gyrados had reached lvl 90s by the time I got to the elite 4.

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I can see you as the new players, and if you say that you meet hard in Kanto? It mean you need to study and take a time alot about how to beat them with the strategy and advantage of pokemon. It not like you abuse the high level pokemon or using fire pokemon vs water pokemon, and then see that you need more grind about that. Be hungry be smart.

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In the original handheld games you can easily sweep off the kanto e4 with dragonite, mewtwo etc. Etc. In PRO u need to work for it. In most pokemon online games, the lack of challenge you have in PvE is literaly garbage, where all focus is given to the PvP aspect of the game. PRO provides you with a rich and challenging storyline/gameplay. Well, not everyone likes that part of the game. Tho if you wish to have a more easy gameplay, i suggest playing the original games.

As for the grinding aspect, granted some of it are outrageous, tho in the end it pays off greatly.


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To be fair, you can easily beat Kanto in under 50 hours. Compared to most major MMOs...finishing a major storyline normally takes a lot longer than that. I'm seeing more and more players who making it to and almost beating Hoenn in 100 hours. Now, if you claim to be a PVE only player, what are you supposed to do after that 100 hours? If you made it quicker, there would be even more players who join for 25 hours of gameplay and leave. I understand that it can get boring grinding the same area for hours, but if you put on some good music/particpate in chat, it goes by quick.



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211311 ya but thats the very endgame where your looking for the best stuff thats typical of MMOs my point is its weird for to have this huge pre-e4 grind rather than a more mild grind akin to preping for the 6,7, and 8th gyms.

I really didnt have to grind at all for kanto, I caught a decent gastly after 8 badges, trained it to level 80 then evo it, and beat the e4 ez mode.

wanna talk about grinding? I spent almost 3 weeks, about 3 hours everyday trying to get a 28atk/speed speed boost torchic. caught over 40 of them. longest ive ever spent on finding a pokemon. Still didnt find it. If it was easy to find pokemon there wouldnt be a point in it, Id go play on showdown.

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