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I want to help set up a new server if possible in Spain I would like to contact the administrator


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Hello good wanted to propose to the administrator to create a web server I would be willing to give up a server as long as I can manage my own server and I'm realizing that their servers are very overloaded and as one more would not hurt to distribute, also if possible wanted to install in Spain because here there are many people who enjoy their game and it is a pity that you will sometimes wrong because the ping or is overloaded, although this would have to be studied by the laws do not intend lucrarme with this project I just want to learn a little more of computer science as it is my profession (I work in the microcomputer systems and networks and prepare myself to take other courses even more superior) also I think I could contribute a lot when translation yet different languages ​​because sometimes it becomes a little cumbersome to always read the English and much of the population also speak Spanish, if I could get in touch directly with the manager to discuss this issue more carefully please apoyad my idea because I think it would greatly enhance the game experience I think it is necessary to make a web server, I still could not enjoy my experience in the game because of that and I think could be improved, please support my proposal to ensure that you get the manager and I think if no measures to this end people got tired of waiting and apique will come get, do not seek lucrarme only learn more and improve the gaming experience because I am passionate about this game and because of that I can not enjoy the please ponganse contact me as soon as possible, provided him an email to the administrators will try to be pending in the next few days I hope to answer even negative for me and the rest support my idea thanks :)

[email protected] << Contact this email please only administrators

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211900 Hello good wanted to propose to the administrator to create a web server I would be willing to give up a server as long as I can manage my own server and I'm realizing that their servers are very overloaded and as one more would not hurt to distribute, also if possible wanted to install in Spain because here there are many people who enjoy their game and it is a pity that you will sometimes wrong because the ping or is overloaded, although this would have to be studied by the laws do not intend lucrarme with this project I just want to learn a little more of computer science as it is my profession (I work in the microcomputer systems and networks and prepare myself to take other courses even more superior) also I think I could contribute a lot when translation yet different languages ​​because sometimes it becomes a little cumbersome to always read the English and much of the population also speak Spanish, if I could get in touch directly with the manager to discuss this issue more carefully please apoyad my idea because I think it would greatly enhance the game experience I think it is necessary to make a web server, I still could not enjoy my experience in the game because of that and I think could be improved, please support my proposal to ensure that you get the manager and I think if no measures to this end people got tired of waiting and apique will come get, do not seek lucrarme only learn more and improve the gaming experience because I am passionate about this game and because of that I can not enjoy the please ponganse contact me as soon as possible, provided him an email to the administrators will try to be pending in the next few days I hope to answer even negative for me and the rest support my idea thanks :)

[email protected] << Contact this email please only administrators

I don't really see that happening ^^' if a new server is to be opened, will be openened by the developers of the game, not by a guy who didn't even introduced himself to the community :P

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This game is closed source, and only a very small number of people get access to the servers anyway. We most certainly wouldnt be considering giving out server code for other people to use.


Thank you for your interest, but we are not looking for other people to host any servers.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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