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I put alot of hard work and thought into these quests to make them fun for the PRO community so it would be nice to get some feedback from you people.

Here is my suggestion ~


[glow=red]If you picked Charmander as a starter -[/glow]




charizards and wants to analyze the data of your charizard when the training is finished to monitor pokemon growth. He also tells you only charizards are only allowed in charicific valley (So all your pokemon will be left in the pc except charizard.) and after he asks are you ready to go to charicific valley ? (Yes or no) which will cut out and you will find yourself on a cliff side and a pathway reaching the charicific valley you're greeted by Liza who cares for the charizards at the charicific valley and explains you will have to show your worth by battling all the charizards in charicific valley to prove yours is the strongest. (How i picture the charicific valley is a huge open metal gate with a charizard shaped mountain like in the anime with charizards battling each against each other with lakes and much more like in in the anime) in this quest to earn your stone through nothing battling charizards till Liza says you earned her right to battle her, when earning her right to battle her she explains that your charizard is now alot more stronger than it was when it passed through them gates and she thinks you're strong enough to go against her she will heal your charizard and you will have to go against Liza to prove yourself and then go against her one special charizard called ''Charla'' with a pink bow on it's head in her team which is also a mega charizard Y who's the strongest charizard in the Valley (For now) when defeating liza your charizard will be the strongest in charicific valley. (Yay) And you will be rewarded with the choice of the x stone or the y stone the choice is yours. after being rewarded she says the charicific valley needs to close the gates for now, so she can train Charla for a few more years to become more stronger to go against you in the future (This will never happen) and says we will meet again and also tells you to leave. (Where you will find yourself back in Azalea town standing infront of Prof.Oak) He Congratulates you on your progress and anaylyzes the data On your charizard and is surprised on how much it's grown in strength and speed and Endurance and suggests that Charicfic valley has made you and your charizard's bond has grown more stronger and says the stone is a symbol of your bond between each other. (in the anime the charicific valley is located in between Violet City and Azalea Town. so i only saw fit that the quest should be started in Azalea Town so you will need Johto unlocked.) ( I thought Oak should be fit to send you on your way to charicific valley because he has connections to ash who had also been there recently. i did want to add ash's charizard in this but thought it was to much. Plus ash took his Charizard back during the events of the Unova league so i thought it be fit to set the time set when ash's charizard isn't there and is helping ash through the league) (Maybe Pro could add some diologue of liza talking about ash's charizard)[/align]



[glow=green]if you picked bulbasaur as a starter - [/glow]



[glow=blue]if you picked Squirtle as a starter -[/glow]



For the quest for Blastoise's Mega stone you will find Officer jenny just outside digglet cave. with your Kanto starter Blastoise first in your party you will trigger a quest she will ask you to help her stop the ''squirtle squad'' and help officer jenny like in the episode ''Here Comes the Squirtle Squad'' in the anime. she has a growlithe but fears that they will defeat it because it's a fire type and there really strong and she has tried before in the past. in this quest you will have to stop the squirtle squad vandalizing a small town in ''kanto'' and have scared the people away from the town and asks you to go with her. she explains that there are small electrical fires that have been caused on some houses due to the the Squirtle's water gun and your blastoise is only one needed to put out the fires that the squirtles have caused and goes into detail about the Squirtle Squad are Squirtles that have been abandoned by there trainers. (You're only allowed to use your blastoise in this quest so all your other pokes will be left in the pc like the other Mega stone quest shown above.) You reach the the Vandalized Town noticing a few houses on fire officer jenny asks you to put out the fires with your blastoise's water moves, ( the Vandalized Town is a Small town and some houses with graffiti on them and the houses looking like thing out of a western like in the episode with a cave directly north of the town) (In this section of the quest you will go to 3 houses and put the flames out with your blastoise after this return to officer jenny and she thanks you for putting out the flames and asks you to now to search for each squirtle in this Vandalized town. the squirtles are unique with cool looking shades but don't underestimate them they are tough and each will have different unique movesets that will catch you off guard. after searching top to bottom in the town for these squirtle's and beating them in battle return to officer jenny. she will tell you why they was vandalizing town and causing mayhem for the people who was living there, and it's unusual for the squirtles to act like this unless they have a new leader who's telling them to do this. in this part of the you will have to find the leader of the Squirtle squad and you're told there's a cave where the Squirtle squad live just north of the town (Like in the anime) venturing through the cave you find a Mega Balstoise with funny looking shades and you must vs this mega Blastoise to stop the mayhem in the town and you will have to use your own blastoise to beat it, after beating the mega blastoise with shades the blastoise runs away and the squirtle squad see your blastoise as there new leader, you return to Officer jenny with the squirltle squad and she tells you she found a funny looking stone where the blastoise was when you was hiding she explains that she's heard of these stone on the radio and says they are special for pokemon who have a bond with there trainer and says your bond with blastoise is amazing (she passes you the mega stone for blastoise as a reward for helping the small town) You then tell the squirtle squad to go with Officer jenny she explains the squirtle squad can now help with the repairs for the town and will also help the local fire department. (I tried to find the name of the town from the anime but i couldn't find it. so i suggest calling it the Vandalized town.) ( I added the few houses on fire to give a reason to use Blastoise as the only pokemon for the quest and plus who wouldn't like seeing Blastoise shooting water out it's huge cannons putting out the flames of the houses) (I know in the episode of the squirtle squad become firefighters before this but i just thought it be cool to battle the unique squirtle in the game) (I had the choice between two episodes Beach Blank-Out Blastoise episode or the Squirtle squad i thought the squirtle squad would be more fun)


<B>Okay well these are the quests i created and it will be nice to have them implemented and in game but it's still just a suggestion and thank you you for taking your time to read my post and like i said before i would like to see some feedback from the you and maybe some ideas of your own maybe ? And maybe i could add your ideas to these quests also.


Im all in for making PRO a more in depth game (such as quests and events) and this should be a nice addition. If this were to be polished and upgraded im sure the 3 questlines would be enjoyable and rewardable not only for the mega stone but for the story too.



Story driven quests would be nice additions indeed to PRO, and having mega stones handed to you easily (especially for your starter) feels wrong. Receiving the stones after a challenge is, in my opinion, adequate for such an important part of Pokémon, which is making your starter -or any Pokémon- grow along with you.




I think if they're going to release mega-stones, it needs to be all at once (for balancing reasons). And there's no feasible way of creating a storyline for each of them...the most practical option would be add them as a boss reward. (The most practical yet least whimsical method.)

PRO PVP pokemon directory made by me


Pearl's Guitar SHop- My Trade Thread (Blue server)


[glow=red]It can't get Eddie Vedder than this.[/glow]

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