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I know you guys warned not suggest about things that are being worked on. Well I just saw that post and with the new Box I have to ask for a change. The new box is awesome but for people that play on low resolutions or Window Mode(My case) the release button is to close to your party so probably there are gonna be some accidents.





My suggestion is just to change positions from left side to right side. Either way great job on this change and looking forward for more :Grin:


PS.: I know we can change the box position just dragging it away but the default position is bad, and sometimes we can't waste time moving it arround :Smile:

213712 I am experiencing a bug where i choose to drag a pokemon into my initial 6 from the pokemonCenter's PC and instead it drags and puts an other one random that i own .


Update to latest client it was a hotfix

PRO PVP pokemon directory made by me


Pearl's Guitar SHop- My Trade Thread (Blue server)


[glow=red]It can't get Eddie Vedder than this.[/glow]

213703 I know you guys warned not suggest about things that are being worked on. Well I just saw that post and with the new Box I have to ask for a change. The new box is awesome but for people that play on low resolutions or Window Mode(My case) the release button is to close to your party so probably there are gonna be some accidents.





My suggestion is just to change positions from left side to right side. Either way great job on this change and looking forward for more :Grin:


PS.: I know we can change the box position just dragging it away but the default position is bad, and sometimes we can't waste time moving it arround :Smile:

Look here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=36855&p=214869#p214869. Locked

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