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Membership = Higher Priority


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Was wondering what other people out there thought on people with MEMBERSHIPS, should be placed on a lower login queue to get on when server is FULL.


Right now there is not even a queue which is a little saddening I think queue's are nice.. For one it don't require you to sit there pressing Login every 8 seconds.

Being a membership has it's + ingame, But I do think a queue system should be introduced and would like to know what you guys think of lower priority queue times for members.


Also Do you guys plan on opening other servers? Like PRO Server 1, PRO Server 2? Would be interesting.. and the game is becoming more and more popular with word of mouth spreading & people running into it on google.

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I was thinking about other server too, but not as "other server for everyone". I mean, there could be server for donators, like "PRO Vip" or sth like that and only there you could be able to access certain areas (where only "donors" are able to go) so it wouldn't bother regular players on normal servers. just a random idea

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-1 for that idea, it means some one new needs to donate first to play. Server is usually full and if someone new joins the game he will have to donate to get priority to play.


And I have heard that server going to be improved in a month so more players will be able to play at a time.


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+1 to the priority, those who pay to help this game be better should have priority instead of those who don't


However -1 to the other server, that would cut the amount of players in your server making trades alot tougher (less demand and supply).

This without even considering how costly it wouls be to have another server

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I hope if there are going to be more servers, that the players would be able to change when they want from server to server and the progess in all the servers is the same, not that each account on each server has a different player


I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine...

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You got the access to member only region among many other bonuses. Giving anything more extra would be nothing more than a unprofessional and exaggerated courtesy. As for the server, it's being worked on it.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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