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Some suggestions


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1.- Add quick little tips/hints for the new player of what he should do next would reduce a lot the questions like "What do i do now?", since it's a linear story it shouldn't be that hard to implement(Obviusly this isn't really important but it would give help chat a lot more room for questions that doesn't get answered because of the storm of questions about the story). This wouldn't be bad to the game because it doesn't give a lot of "exploration", its linear and you cant explore what's blocked, and sometimes you lose a lot of time just trying to know what to do next after beating X gym or what to do to beat X gym. The tips wouldn't be like a big guide but more like "Mauville city next" - "Check every house if you're in trouble to unlock the gym"


Quests wouldn't have this help, these would be ONLY for story


2.- Rarity of pokémon should be on the pokédex


3.- Let us hover over the sun/moon to check if it's morning/afternoon/night


4.- Change the rattata quest for something that's not so easy/boring, having 2 pokes level 100 with EV's trained? something that's actually useful and making joey harder, its a new region what we are talking about


5.- Add more options/bundles on the shop(coins shop) to buy items so we don't have to use hm/tm slaves. Something for dig/dive/surf adding more items and diversity apart from the pickaxe/axe, making a bundle with all of them.


6.- Let us customize our hud with more options(color, more space on the quickbar, bigger/smaller things, let us move everything) A lot of mmos let you do that, and it's really useful


7.- https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=36678 Guild bases(Already did the suggestion) tl:dr; add guild bases with guild quests(hard) in order to earn rewards, making guilds useful, right now theyre worthless


8.- Monthly events, maybe have some people that will handle the events(at least the ideas?) have some default event once every 2 weeks/month





217731 (others by me);

1; put in pokedex what rod you need to catch some pokemon, example, old rod dont catch the pokemon you want all time, but we dont know who rod will catch that pokemon you want.

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1 - Hints/advice


=> Lots of guide on forum ;) However, maybe they should add a link at the beginning of the story to those guides to avoid some spam in help chat (with this so-called "what to do now")




2 - Rarity on dex

Would be great




3 - Moon?

didnt get it ^^




4 - Ratata Hoenn

disagree ;)



5 - Dig/Pick Axe for surf etc.

Cool idea



6 - Customize hud

Maybe its difficult to code :o not sure its a high priority



7 - Guild quests

There are already lots of quests, bosses etc...



8 - Monthly events

Why not? What do you have in mind? :)


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2 - Rarity on dex




4 - Ratata Hoenn

disagree too



5 - Dig/Pick Axe for surf etc.




6 - Customize hud

i aggre this is defintly not a priority now



7 - Guild quests

this is really cool, idk how make this work but is a nice idea



8 - Monthly events

YESSSS! please

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(others by me);

1; put in pokedex who rod you need to catch some pokemon, example, old rod dont catch the pokemon you want all time, but we dont know who rod will catch that pokemon you want.


2; Auction house.

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1. eh


2. sure


3. yes


4. doesn't matter to me, kids these days will never know what its like to make a level 100 rat compared to level 80


5. would make people spend more money but not really a priority thing


6. no


7. eh tbh, guild bases wouldn't really do much...


8. monthly events are always a hot mess if they aren't planned properly and i swear to god if the event is a hide and seek i will have to kill myself god knows how many times ive had to do them on previous MMOs

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217721 2 - Rarity on dex




4 - Ratata Hoenn

disagree too



5 - Dig/Pick Axe for surf etc.




6 - Customize hud

i aggre this is defintly not a priority now



7 - Guild quests

this is really cool, idk how make this work but is a nice idea



8 - Monthly events

YESSSS! please



Would you mind explaining why you all disagree with 4(rattata change).

Every suggestion here isn't priority for the staffs so please stop putting that, their priority is obviously the server stability and adding new content/fixing buxes, this sub-forum exists to suggest more things to work on, everything here has 0 priority and would be added if it gets enough attention in the future...




217744 1. eh


2. sure


3. yes


4. doesn't matter to me, kids these days will never know what its like to make a level 100 rat compared to level 80


5. would make people spend more money but not really a priority thing


6. no


7. eh tbh, guild bases wouldn't really do much...


8. monthly events are always a hot mess if they aren't planned properly and i swear to god if the event is a hide and seek i will have to kill myself god knows how many times ive had to do them on previous MMOs



as i said, everything here has zero priority. 7. if you read the post i linked you would see what would be the uses for guild bases(Adding fast transport to a route and viceversa, decorating your guild base, able to make tourneys maybe?, check the post it's explained there)

8. events needs planning, and a monthly event would be the same every month but with different rewards, so if it worked once it'll work for the year(or a semester)

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1. there are plenty of hints and tips ingame, the issue is most people do not read the dialogues, they are there for a reason :p


2. Not so sure about this one, we always created the rarity system with the view that players themselves would denote the rarity and therefore value and demand of pokemon. If we did this then essentially it would make people lazy and more demanding on prices just because they see a value written.


3. This is a fair suggestion, and may actually be added.


4. No, the rattata quest was added as a homage to one of our old scripters, this wont be changed.


5. Most likely not. Surf is already possible via a Mount, but dig will never be. That would require rescripting of everything.


6. This is fair, I too would like to see some customisation options.


7. Guild bases would require instancing (and I have touched up on this very subject multiple times, as I would like to have something like this in PRO.


8. Monthly events would put too much strain on our already limited resources, We are pumping out new content almost daily, and we have lives too :)


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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218579 1. there are plenty of hints and tips ingame, the issue is most people do not read the dialogues, they are there for a reason :p


2. Not so sure about this one, we always created the rarity system with the view that players themselves would denote the rarity and therefore value and demand of pokemon. If we did this then essentially it would make people lazy and more demanding on prices just because they see a value written.


3. This is a fair suggestion, and may actually be added.


4. No, the rattata quest was added as a homage to one of our old scripters, this wont be changed.


5. Most likely not. Surf is already possible via a Mount, but dig will never be. That would require rescripting of everything.


6. This is fair, I too would like to see some customisation options.


7. Guild bases would require instancing (and I have touched up on this very subject multiple times, as I would like to have something like this in PRO.


8. Monthly events would put too much strain on our already limited resources, We are pumping out new content almost daily, and we have lives too :)



Thank you for taking your time to read through all these suggestions. I agree with most of what you disagree(These were just things that came to my mind and your responses do have a lot of sense.

I didn't know about the rattata quest in memory of an old scripter, that's nice and i wouldn't like to have it changed if thats the reason(Thought the reason for having a rattata to unlock hoenn was some kind of grind quest to unlock a new region only for the people who put effort)

Would a 7th slot only for hm/tm slaves be bad? It kinda sucks to have to lose one slot for one of your pokes just because you NEED a HM/tm slave

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