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RE: All chat, and all others.


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I don't /ignore anyone for the reason I'm always in help chat, I don't want to be ignorant of the chat being a mess if people with issues or new players come in there and can't get the help they need because they're lost in a spam wall, or their answers are lost

So I always try to calm it, if not, screenshot and report or try to get someone in there, I do have a list of players that have been purposely rude or offensive though so I know in future there's no point in spending time trying to get them to stop, just report them


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I think we need an effective tool because it's unbearable.

The option to turn the chatbox down will not solve the problem.


We could take screenshots, edit them and go to the report section and report every spammer but, personally, I don't want to spend 12 hours per day editing pictures and creating threads.


I have played MMO during 12 years and I know this problem is pretty hard to fix, if not impossible. Red server chats are better because there are active mods most of the time, but blue/yellow servers are a bit neglected (I mean chat channels).


Of course, this is NOT Staff fault, but we can't do much.

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218458 I think we need an effective tool because it's unbearable.

The option to turn the chatbox down will not solve the problem.


We could take screenshots, edit them and go to the report section and report every spammer but, personally, I don't want to spend 12 hours per day editing pictures and creating threads.


I have played MMO during 12 years and I know this problem is pretty hard to fix, if not impossible. Red server chats are better because there are active mods most of the time, but blue/yellow servers are a bit neglected (I mean chat channels).


Of course, this is NOT Staff fault, but we can't do much.


I fully agree with you and we do have staff but im pretty certain the staff are not from the same location/country so they tend to be on at different times, i was applying for a mapper earlier but i might just apply for a new thing called Chat Cleaner.. since i do play pokemon up to 15 hours a day.

At the moment tho, its not something that's apply-able. so we'll just have to wait and see, i'll just follow the rules and hopefully one day i can become a awesome chatcleaner :P

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218456 Yo, hold up, what's this puush you're mentioning? also, where can i find the irc? =) or discord whatever that is, never heard of that. Yeah i am gonna be reporting alot of ppl, we surely can't do anything about it but report them. so... found the solution i suppose ^^.


Puush is a screenshot program that auto uploads the pictures, saw it mentioned here, IRC is the live chat button on main page.Here's Discord


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218435 Screenshot, report in the report section, without having someone muting and banning 24/7 it's never going to be 100% free of it lol

All chat will always be the worst due to what it is, we get it in the help chat too, ask them to stop since it's not allowed, report if continued.

The Ariba reply is pretty offensive and shouldn't be there either IMO


I Totally agree, but the reason im saying its getting out of hand is because you honestly don't wanna spend 3-4hours just making new report threads on people that aren't following the rules, i'm currently unemployed and play maybe 10-even 15 hours a day and i see this not only when staff is on but even when they're off, it happens waaaay too much.


If you're implying you want to be staff, start helping people out, posting on the forums a lot, following all the rules to a T, and have the staff notice you. No guarantees, but that's a good place to start.



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Once you start reporting those "trolls". You'll see that the will become more bearable. It all comes down to self-moderation, how the community wants to see the chat. Without proper reports, your only hope is that a staff member is lurking about. Since they can't be on 3 servers at once... yeah, its upto the community.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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218435 Screenshot, report in the report section, without having someone muting and banning 24/7 it's never going to be 100% free of it lol

All chat will always be the worst due to what it is, we get it in the help chat too, ask them to stop since it's not allowed, report if continued.

The Ariba reply is pretty offensive and shouldn't be there either IMO


I Totally agree, but the reason im saying its getting out of hand is because you honestly don't wanna spend 3-4hours just making new report threads on people that aren't following the rules, i'm currently unemployed and play maybe 10-even 15 hours a day and i see this not only when staff is on but even when they're off, it happens waaaay too much.


If you're implying you want to be staff, start helping people out, posting on the forums a lot, following all the rules to a T, and have the staff notice you. No guarantees, but that's a good place to start.



Well implying, i'm already trying ^^, Surely someday i might become chosen for apprentice, but it's a long way, just gotta be patient and help people out :)

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You do not require to be staff in order to create your own self moderation. I, whom been banning those trolls left and right wouldn't be able to clean up those toxic lot without the help of the community (and ofcourse my fellow staff members). Keep in mind that the players what makes the game truly enjoyable. By populating it.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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