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Eevee Enthusiast found another home

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Heyo Everyone,


The name's Earthenlady. Been playing pokemon on and off since... Pokemon Red got released?

Ever since then I've been an Eevee Enthusiast. I love that tiny cute lil poke and all it's eeveelutions.


Out of the Eeveelutions my favorite is well.. look at my profile picture :P

If I could have a party of pure eeveelutions and cover all types.... I would do so in a heartbeat :D

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Welcome to PRO. I hope you enjoy your stay and experience :Grin:

[CENTER][I]"Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange."[/I][/CENTER]
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Hey there Earthenlady, welcome to the game!


I'd just like to say that I am also an Eevee Enthusiast and my favorite Eeveelution is also Glaceon. :Heart: So reading your intro makes me inordinately happy! I hope you enjoy this Glaceon gif as much as I did:




Enjoy your PRO experience! :Smile:



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