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Mount cant pass Route 16.


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The only reason to by a mount was the idea to save the 75k, but i doesnt know that the mount cant pass route 16. sry dear admins but i think this is a big rip-off for many players. that game is great - no questions, only that mounts cant pass route 16 is very sad .. and im not the only person with this feeling.


mount is no bike - i know.. please, change this again.



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221096 Hi..


The only reason to by a mount was the idea to save the 75k, but i doesnt know that the mount cant pass route 16. sry dear admins but i think this is a big rip-off for many players. that game is great - no questions, only that mounts cant pass route 16 is very sad .. and im not the only person with this feeling.


mount is no bike - i know.. please, change this again.




Greetings, Route 16 is available via bike only in order to tribute those players who spent lots of effort in grinding 75K.

It's a bike route after all.

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just be patient, I struggled for money in Kanto (dig had not been overhauled at that point lol) then as soon as I was levelling for gym8 and the E4, I had more than enough money that buying the bike wasn't remotely an issue lol


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