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Boss Cooldown Period


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Listen, I love this game. It's really fun and I think of all of he pokemon mmos I've played, this is the best. With that being said the cool down period for rematching bosses needs to change. I understand a two week cooldown period if the player wins; it makes sure that a player won't abuse the bosses in order to keep getting rewards, but a two week period to rematch a boss is far too punishing if the player loses. It's just bad game design and it turns people off from the game. I shoud know, some of my friends that play this are thinking of dropping this just from hearing about it.


It's not even adding anything to the game if the player has to wait two weeks to rematch a boss that they lost to. It makes it much more tedious and frustrating than it should be. Please, if any mods or admins are reading this I beg you all to change this for the betterment of this game. It's things like this that hold back this game from reaching its full potential.

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222575 Listen, I love this game. It's really fun and I think of all of he pokemon mmos I've played, this is the best. With that being said the cool down period for rematching bosses needs to change. I understand a two week cooldown period if the player wins; it makes sure that a player won't abuse the bosses in order to keep getting rewards, but a two week period to rematch a boss is far too punishing if the player loses. It's just bad game design and it turns people off from the game. I shoud know, some of my friends that play this are thinking of dropping this just from hearing about it.


It's not even adding anything to the game if the player has to wait two weeks to rematch a boss that they lost to. It makes it much more tedious and frustrating than it should be. Please, if any mods or admins are reading this I beg you all to change this for the betterment of this game. It's things like this that hold back this game from reaching its full potential.

Listen, I know you have a point in make suggestion. However please read this before make suggestion https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=35832&p=209177#p209177

Locked as already suggestion and denied.

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222575 Listen, I love this game. It's really fun and I think of all of he pokemon mmos I've played, this is the best. With that being said the cool down period for rematching bosses needs to change. I understand a two week cooldown period if the player wins; it makes sure that a player won't abuse the bosses in order to keep getting rewards, but a two week period to rematch a boss is far too punishing if the player loses. It's just bad game design and it turns people off from the game. I shoud know, some of my friends that play this are thinking of dropping this just from hearing about it.


It's not even adding anything to the game if the player has to wait two weeks to rematch a boss that they lost to. It makes it much more tedious and frustrating than it should be. Please, if any mods or admins are reading this I beg you all to change this for the betterment of this game. It's things like this that hold back this game from reaching its full potential.


The cooldown is to ensure that some things dont enter the game quickly, namely some of the rewards, also if you battle all the bosses u can get upwards of 350k, that is a lot of money when you think there are 1000s of players.


It has already been said, it will not change.


If i added a variable cooldown (and it is entirely possible), i would no longer be able to display a cooldown timer, since the timer uses a set function to show, which doesnt work with variable times (see Naero boss NPC as an example), and then I would just get 72747274728473 threads of 'Y U NO COOLDOWN TIMER, U SUCK ADMEEEENNN'.


See what I mean?


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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