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I'm having this...

Can anyone have me a reason?

please help me ! :Frown:


If you got temporarily banned, feel free to go appeal in the Discipline Appeal Board as this isn't the place where you can really get any answers from the staff for what happened to get your ban. If you are curious why you are banned, you can also check why via the Account Management Page on the website.

i suggest first taking a look at your account. https://pokemonrevolution.net/Account.php this will give you information about your account (Bans etc) once you look at that it should also tell you why you were banned. if you are banned there, then you will have to appeal here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32.


if it does not say you are banned, then its an IP ban in which you should try rebooting your router/Modem (turn it off then back on after 30 seconds) and try logging back into the game.

if this does not work please write back

i don't find a reason my account is banned :Bored:

make an appeal in the appeal section - https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32 or you can wait out your ban

also edited your post as you showed your IP Address so i removed it for your protection.



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