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"Help" command for chat


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One command that I've come to expect in a chat prompt is a way to list all of the commands. It's usually /help and/or /h. It often has an additional feature of explaining other commands in detail when asked. For example, "/help happy" would describe what the /happy command does and maybe give an example.

/add    - display your IP address
/all    - post a message to the All channel
/battle - send a battle request
/friend - add someone as a friend
/happy  - display the happiness of a Pokemon
/help   - show this message or explain a command
/ignore - block someone from messaging you
/loc    - display your position
/online - display the number of players online
/play   - display your total playtime
/ref    - refresh the game

Guild Commands
/gcreate - create a new guild
/ginvite - invite someone to a guild (must be leader)
/gleave  - leave a guild (must be leader)
/gmotd   - change the message of the day


And then the more descriptive responses can be something like this:


/help happy

</i>/happy <1-6>
Displays the happiness for a Pokemon in your party, along with the Pokemon's ID.

Example: /happy 1
Blastoise (10250582) Happiness: 178


And if there is no corresponding command, have a default message:


/help levelup

</i>No information for that command. Please make sure you spelled the command correctly.


Listing the commands should be fairly easy to implement, since there is already a system for multiple different commands. This would probably be an additional case in a switch statement, or an addition to a configuration file if it's being loaded dynamically.


The feature for further description would be a little more involved, since descriptions would have to be drafted, along with examples, if desired.


This would help anyone who has ever googled "pokemon revolution online chat commands", which I suspect is quite a few of you :Crazy:


Let me know what you think, and if you can think of any more reasons to do this or any reasons to not do this.


For reference, I was going to post a link to the post by Roniix titled "Commands" but I can't post links yet. If someone could do that, that would be great!

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i think its a great idea the amount of people who ask how to check happiness or how to friend etc in help chat gets tiring it would be much faster if there was a command that just listed all the other commands... i dont even know all of pros commands.

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