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Hi togehter


At first, I didn't know where I should post this topic, but I thought that suggestions should be the right one. :Shy:

And at 2nd, I'm a Swiss German Dude and I excuse me for my english.


It was last week I turned on my computer and wanted to play PRO. Then I saw the message "Client Outdated". I thought: "Huh, WHYYYY."

This point turn my opinion and I said to me: "Comon guy, just write your one patcher"


After one week full of struggle with visual basic, the language wich the launcher is written, I'd like to present you my fanmade "PRO Launcher/Patcher".

It's not finished yet, for sure, but I want to get some feedback of the community that I can improve myself and the launcher.


Now some words for the developpers of PRO:

Might I can inspire you, to make an official Patcher/Launcher for PRO so no one have to download the game every time.

You can also write me a pm if you are interested in.

And I hope its not a problem when I use your "Revolution" logo. If it is one, just say it. ;D



At the end I'll show you all some pictures and explain a little bit how it works.



You can see actually the "Update-Screen". In the background it downloads at first a "Version.txt" to check the version of PRO. In this file there are some informations for my program. For example the downloadlink, where it downloads PRO.zip and all this stuff. This "Version.txt" I must update by myself, and this could delay the process, that your launcher will know, that there is an update in the wild of the web. Maybe when I can work together with the developper team of PRO, I'll write a programm only for them, so they can do this for me when they release a new version.

This were the basics about how it works.




Here you can see the "Launch-Screen".

I would be grateful when you guys send me some suggestions what I can put down there. You see it's a bit empty.

In a couple of time and when you all are interested in, I'll send you a notice in the launcher that there is an update for the launcher.



So, I think I've forgot something but anyway. Here you can download the launcher: http://removed link

I promise the setup is not harmful for you computer.


If you have some questions or issues with the program itself then just text me.





225281 Hi togehter


At first, I didn't know where I should post this topic, but I thought that suggestions should be the right one. :Shy:

And at 2nd, I'm a Swiss German Dude and I excuse me for my english.


It was last week I turned on my computer and wanted to play PRO. Then I saw the message "Client Outdated". I thought: "Huh, WHYYYY."

This point turn my opinion and I said to me: "Comon guy, just write your one patcher"


After one week full of struggle with visual basic, the language wich the launcher is written, I'd like to present you my fanmade "PRO Launcher/Patcher".

It's not finished yet, for sure, but I want to get some feedback of the community that I can improve myself and the launcher.


Now some words for the developpers of PRO:

Might I can inspire you, to make an official Patcher/Launcher for PRO so no one have to download the game every time.

You can also write me a pm if you are interested in.

And I hope its not a problem when I use your "Revolution" logo. If it is one, just say it. ;D



At the end I'll show you all some pictures and explain a little bit how it works.



You can see actually the "Update-Screen". In the background it downloads at first a "Version.txt" to check the version of PRO. In this file there are some informations for my program. For example the downloadlink, where it downloads PRO.zip and all this stuff. This "Version.txt" I must update by myself, and this could delay the process, that your launcher will know, that there is an update in the wild of the web. Maybe when I can work together with the developper team of PRO, I'll write a programm only for them, so they can do this for me when they release a new version.

This were the basics about how it works.




Here you can see the "Launch-Screen".

I would be grateful when you guys send me some suggestions what I can put down there. You see it's a bit empty.

In a couple of time and when you all are interested in, I'll send you a notice in the launcher that there is an update for the launcher.



So, I think I've forgot something but anyway. Here you can download the launcher: http://removed link

I promise the setup is not harmful for you computer.


If you have some questions or issues with the program itself then just text me.





Your idea look good, but I will removed the link as it will risk for players into unofficial thing.

5. Using any kind of automation software, hacking or editing the PRO game/client is prohibited.

--Windy edited for removed link--

225338 Your idea look good, but I will removed the link as it will risk for players into unofficial thing.

5. Using any kind of automation software, hacking or editing the PRO game/client is prohibited.


Ok, sure. I understand. Now it's more as a inspiration/suggestion for the team. ;)


I really want to see an updater too, everytime i see i new update i'm happy because new things get added to the game but at the same time i'm like "whyy i'll need to download the whole game 180MB+ when i can just download like 20MB..." especially when i'm in a country where internet is pretty bad and it took me 2 or 3 hours to download 180MB (and can't do nothing else because the download take all the bandwith....)


The launcher look really close to the league of legends launcher btw :3

225372 I mean its what we all wanted and it looks nice, but it looks like a certain launcher from another game that many of the users of this game have played and discovered this game through.


226280 The launcher look really close to the league of legends launcher btw :3


I know. I mean, I had a bit struggle with the program, so I didn't want to spend so much time to the design. ;D Maybe there was some inspiration from the LoL Patcher. ;P


Either way, this can bring attention to the fact we need a patcher. it gets kinda annoying to constantly delete the folder and edit the shortcut again and again and again. :Frown:

A simple solution is to extract all files into the same folder. Tada Don't have to make a new folder. You may have to re-do the shortcut, but ya know.

Former Team Rocket Leader....

Either way, this can bring attention to the fact we need a patcher. it gets kinda annoying to constantly delete the folder and edit the shortcut again and again and again. :Frown:

A simple solution is to extract all files into the same folder. Tada Don't have to make a new folder. You may have to re-do the shortcut, but ya know.


I mean i don't actually delete the folder but i have to delete the contents so i don't get the .exe's mixed up so its pretty much the same thing as deleting the folder. Either way, most games have patchers and it would make players lives a lot easier if their was a patcher, that is the point of the thread.

227172 A simple solution is to extract all files into the same folder. Tada Don't have to make a new folder. You may have to re-do the shortcut, but ya know.

227213 I mean i don't actually delete the folder but i have to delete the contents so i don't get the .exe's mixed up so its pretty much the same thing as deleting the folder


What I do that the shortlink still work is rename the current PRO Version folder to: PRO_Data and the exe to PRO.exe

Now every time, when you donwload a new version you can rename the files into "PRO_Data" and "PRO.exe" and replace them in the folder. The shortlink should be at the end of course with "\PRO.exe" and not "\PRO64_95_42.exe" as example ;D


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