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235799 I just had a quick question. Say I buy a set of PokéCoins, that is 100 coins for $5. If I purchase an item with these coins, can I gift it or trade it to another player? If not, can I gift or trade the PokéCoins themselves?


Hey, the most itmes like clothes, mounts or consumables are tradeable. So u buy a mount for letz say 50 coins. U can put that mount-item on a pokemon and trade the pokemon to another person. Now he/she has the mount.:) Works with items like sunglasses, ms, pick axe etc pp in the same way.


U can somehow transer 100 coins directly on another account. But as long as u dont know the person i would be careful cause its not a safe ingame trade where both have to accept at same time.


Hafe fun, i hope i could help u out! :Heart:

235806 Hey, the most itmes like clothes, mounts or consumables are tradeable. So u buy a mount for letz say 50 coins. U can put that mount-item on a pokemon and trade the pokemon to another person. Now he/she has the mount.:) Works with items like sunglasses, ms, pick axe etc pp in the same way.


U can somehow transer 100 coins directly on another account. But as long as u dont know the person i would be careful cause its not a safe ingame trade where both have to accept at same time.


Hafe fun, i hope i could help u out! :Heart:

I'm going to assume Magic Mirrors will also work just like mounts in the manner of trading through Pokémon, but regardless, thanks for the helpful response. It's much appreciated. That's exactly what I needed to know :Sing:

Guest LiquidSnakeK
235799 I just had a quick question. Say I buy a set of PokéCoins, that is 100 coins for $5. If I purchase an item with these coins, can I gift it or trade it to another player? If not, can I gift or trade the PokéCoins themselves?

Alot of the items including the mounts specifically say "tradable" underneath them. Which means if you buy them with coins you can them trade the item itself to other players. This includes things like the membership medallion, clothes, mounts, etc.

235806 Hey, the most itmes like clothes, mounts or consumables are tradeable. So u buy a mount for letz say 50 coins. U can put that mount-item on a pokemon and trade the pokemon to another person. Now he/she has the mount.:) Works with items like sunglasses, ms, pick axe etc pp in the same way.


U can somehow transer 100 coins directly on another account. But as long as u dont know the person i would be careful cause its not a safe ingame trade where both have to accept at same time.


Hafe fun, i hope i could help u out! :Heart:

I'm going to assume Magic Mirrors will also work just like mounts in the manner of trading through Pokémon, but regardless, thanks for the helpful response. It's much appreciated. That's exactly what I needed to know :Sing:

Yep, Magic Mirrors are tradable as well. :)


Since the question's been answered, I'll be locking the thread now. Enjoy your game!



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