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*Updated* Skyline Guild Open For All (Red Server)

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Hi everyone...

Recently I created a guild named [glow=blue]Skyline[/glow].

Skyline means a place where the freedom is.

The place where we can move freely without being concerned with our own limitations.

Like the birds in the sky.


Guild Logo:



Members *Updated* : 27/50


- Dawn (Leader)

- Clemont

- 17Gabriel2

- Sleepis4theweak

- TJBond

- deathwand

- Xannon

- Slyboyfox

- Lvl1000magikarp

- the9NINE

- IamAPenguinx

- Lobb

- Cloudsalot

- Pinch

- Pitbull964

- Xeevee

- Firered13

- Falloutguyz

- Mendokiller

- Daretoalan

- Mussasi

- Sparkielek

- Endless26

- Lazoreth

- Idefix

- Nickvengenz

- Blastoise438



Requirements :

- You should be an active player

- Have Discord app (Find out on google if you don't know about this)


How to join:

- Post your ign here, or

- PM me in game (ign: Dawn)


And things to remember:

- No abuse

- No fight

- No troll

- Don't be childish

- Respect each others

- Be helpful

- Active

- And last, do not ever ignoring people


Okay then, thank you.

Feel free to join.

Make yourself at home


Best Regards,


"So you can throw me to the wolves. Tommorow I will come back, leading of the whole pack"

Re: [New Guild] Skyline Guild Open Recruitment (Red Server)


<r><QUOTE author="Dawn"><s>

</s><POST content="239295"><s></s>239295<e></e></POST> [align=center]<SIZE size="200"><s></s><GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>Skyline Guild<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e></e></SIZE>[/align]<br/>


[align=center]<SIZE size="200"><s></s><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s>Open Recruitment Members<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e></e></SIZE>[/align]<br/>



</s>Hi everyone...<br/>

Recently I created a guild named <I><s></s><B><s></s><GLOW glow="blue"><s>[glow=blue]</s>Skyline<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e></e></B><e></e></I>.<br/>

Skyline means a place where the freedom is.<br/>

The place where we can move freely without being concerned with our own limitations.<br/>

Like the birds in the sky.<br/>


<B><s></s>Member: 2/50<e></e></B><br/>

- Dawn (Guild Master)<br/>

- Clemont<br/>


<B><s></s>So, if you wanna join us, the requirement is:<e></e></B><br/>

- Just pay 10k <E>:Crazy:</E> <br/>

Simple, isn't right <E>:Crazy:</E><br/>


<B><s></s>And things to remember:<e></e></B><br/>

- No abuse<br/>

- No fight<br/>

- No troll<br/>

- Don't be childish<br/>

- Respect each others<br/>

- Be helpful<br/>

- Active<br/>

- And last, do not ever ignoring people<br/>


<B><s></s>How to join:<e></e></B><br/>

- Post your ign here, or<br/>

- PM me in game (Dawn / Clemont)<br/>


Okay then, thank you.<br/>

Feel free to join.<br/>


Best Regards,<br/>




Nice, I love the name of your guild. Good luck with it~ You have Team Cosmic's support~ <E>:Angel:</E></r>


Re: [New Guild] Skyline Guild Open Recruitment (Red Server)


<t>Good luck with the guild. :)</t>

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others.

Remember to use the correct forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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