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Shadow tag is banned in literally every half-serious competitive pokemon platform. It's literally such a cheap, boring, and OP strategy to use. A shadow tag gothitelle just setup on my milotic and killed 4 of my pokes. I couldn't do anything about it because it would just spam calm mind and rest until it had +6 special attack/defense. It then proceeded to 1-hit 4 of my pokes. You can't phase it with roar/whirlwind because it already has +6 special attack and whirlwind/roar have negative priority so it will one hit you. The only way to deal with it is to have a designated poke to stop it like weavile, which is stupid imo cuz if you needed a designated poke counter everything.. then you can't counter everything; even then it would have already got a free kill on one of your walls/stalls that opens a sweeping opportunity for your opponent (for free/with no contest), and you can't do anything about it.


This is the poke/ability that's banned to ubers in Showdown/smogon cuz it's OP and has the nickname "Literally Satan" shown here https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/gothitelle/uber/... I mean people use it to trap and setup on pokes like Arceus, and other uber legendaries.


The fact that it's not banned and that some people want it to stay shows that they either have never played PVP out of PRO, or they are enjoying their time abusing this OP ability.


I've used this team on Showdown and I've never been so decimated like that without being able to do anything about it.


Please.. Open your eyes/do some research and ban shadow tag ability!


Rant Over

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9 and onwards, prob some sites later too.



This site and onward, prob some sites later too. ;)



Another whole discussion


Here u find some answers.^^

Ima not discussing this again, hf. :Heart:

257133 :confused:





9 and onwards, prob some sites later too.



This site and onward, prob some sites later too. ;)



Another whole discussion


Here u find some answers.^^

Ima not discussing this again, hf. :Heart:


I don't see your point

My point is that we had this discussion already plenty of times and im wondering why u open a new thread. ;)


Im just tired of this topic and dont wanna repeat me one more time about this. If u read through my links u find plenty of opinions about the shadow-tag stuff and many possiblities why it isnt banned in PRO atm. ;)

Guest SugarRed9
257133 :confused:





9 and onwards, prob some sites later too.



This site and onward, prob some sites later too. ;)



Another whole discussion


Here u find some answers.^^

Ima not discussing this again, hf. :Heart:


I don't see your point

His point is everyone has the same argument and nothing new. They are ways to deal with gothielle. You don't need to make a team around her, there are several common pvp pokemon that handle her well because she has a base speed of 65, she's squishy, and clam mind only raises sp attack and sp defense. I've done my research, so why not go do yours so you can beat her? I feel like every time someone loses to a goth we see these threads.

I don't disagree with Shadow Tag ban, but your argumentation is extremely flawed... Yes Shadow Tag is ridiculously strong and eats stall alive, but there IS counterplay to it. As of right now she is not banned, so you should probably review your team instead of making a new post about how OP shadow tag is (or tank the free lose everytime you meet it). By the way Goth will not do anything against (Hyper) Offense teams, which nobody use here because they think its bad.


"The only way to deal with it is to have a designated poke to stop it like weavile" -> Yea basically any physical attacker can do this job. At worst, if you can't ohko it, you can use two physical attackers. Also most Goth use only attacking Psychic so they are walled by dark types. Now obviously if you use the full stall that everyone is using Slowbro/Milotic/Skarmory/Blissey team (which so many people are also complaining about) you might get destroyed by Goth.


Gothitelle shines in certain circumstances, and like any pokemon, it has weaknesses.

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- Epic Tyranitar (almost any nature)

- Epic Jolly Garchomp 31 speed


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257269 I don't disagree with Shadow Tag ban, but your argumentation is extremely flawed... Yes Shadow Tag is ridiculously strong and eats stall alive, but there IS counterplay to it. As of right now she is not banned, so you should probably review your team instead of making a new post about how OP shadow tag is (or tank the free lose everytime you meet it). By the way Goth will not do anything against (Hyper) Offense teams, which nobody use here because they think its bad.


"The only way to deal with it is to have a designated poke to stop it like weavile" -> Yea basically any physical attacker can do this job. At worst, if you can't ohko it, you can use two physical attackers. Also most Goth use only attacking Psychic so they are walled by dark types. Now obviously if you use the full stall that everyone is using Slowbro/Milotic/Skarmory/Blissey team (which so many people are also complaining about) you might get destroyed by Goth.


Gothitelle shines in certain circumstances, and like any pokemon, it has weaknesses.


257133 :confused:





9 and onwards, prob some sites later too.



This site and onward, prob some sites later too. ;)



Another whole discussion


Here u find some answers.^^

Ima not discussing this again, hf. :Heart:


Bla bla bla, stop arguing about this topic, everything has been said, please follow the links in Coop's post. Having 30 times the same discussion won't bring anything more than content pollution.


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