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Hello, i want to report a important bug, just happen


i entered in battle against xrevolutionx94 (on yellow server)

my ambipom did knock off (not fake out) on his tynaritar team leader, because i predicted a switch gengar.

and i one shoted his gengar. and now BUG.


he said me he didnt make the switch and he isnt more in battle, and he didnt switched gengar !

if a scripter can see what happened in this battle please. i have 2 screen with locale/poketime






im really disapointed, because xrevo its a good friend from PRO, and i dont want he think im a hacker or something like that.

he loosed about 30rating cause this,


thank you for reading ,


-and sorry for my bad english, i hope isnt a big problem-



[glow=red]Rare Trash hunter[/glow]

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he didnt leave the battle, its revo i know him and we talk on /battle chat, when we fight.

and now he was surprised , he said his battle screen closed alone. and i waited about 15min on this action. on a normal battle the timer kicked him out. but on my 2 screen you can see the battle continue, after the timer limit.



[glow=red]Rare Trash hunter[/glow]

Guest SugarRed9

Hiya!! I hangout with xRev a lot in Vermillion! We like to talk about pvp :)

He started dissapearing and reappearing during this battle so I recorded some of it O.o


Excuse my friends in the background of the video we are watching foodball (I'm a girl .-. Just quiet because my friend is having troubles ;-;)



on my side I enterd battle and it said all my pokes have fainted then close the battle I didn't evn make a move all my poke were at full health then while in pc I couldent do anything not even leave so I had to relogg when I did it gave me -30 rank )':


Its a known bug afaik which rarely appears. You are not the first guys, which happened this.


Since the bug is so rare its not repeatable so its hard to find the origin of the bug in the code. So its no fault from both of u, u were just unlucky that this happened in your match.


Only advice staff give is to heal your pokes after each fight at Joy.


Gl in next fights. ;)

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