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Beta Testing Feedback


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1) Please place the server status on the home page. with the server CONSTANTLY being down, this will cut the "why can't i connect" posts down and also make it a LOT easier than trying and find the server status page.

2) implement "Running Shoes" or something similar to help people out UNTIL they can afford to drop 75,000 on a bike.

3) either reduce the cost of the safari zone for members, or increase the spawn rates of rare pokemon in member zones. far too often im dropping 10,000- 20,000 just for ONE rare pokemon, let alone having to get multiples to try and get one with good stats or a good nature.

4) Fix the map on the android versions. Me, my wife, and my brother all have galaxy s5's and none of them seem to work...at all

5) make an option to close the chat window or minimize it. Every once in awhile i like to go into my own little world a grind out some IV's without seeing 1000's of "WTB ___, how do i ____, or ____ is muted for 10000 seconds"

6) MAKE A DOOR FOR GETTING TO GIOVANNI IN THE GAME CORNER!!!!! i had to ask, and i see someone asking every 10-20 minutes "where to find the password for Giovanni?" Put a Freaking hint or a npc looking for a door or something


Thats all i got for now, hopefully this was helpful. just trying to do my duty as a "Beta tester" and give my input.

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38840 4) Fix the map on the android versions. Me, my wife, and my brother all have galaxy s5's and none of them seem to work...at all

5) make an option to close the chat window or minimize it. Every once in awhile i like to go into my own little world a grind out some IV's without seeing 1000's of "WTB ___, how do i ____, or ____ is muted for 10000 seconds"

Thats all i got for now, hopefully this was helpful. just trying to do my duty as a "Beta tester" and give my input.


This is already possible. Click the drop down icon lol..

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1. You can go to the IRC PRO channel. You will find enough info about down or not there.

2. Hope Running Shoes will not get implemented. This will reduce the need of a bike or mount.

3. I hope that the spawn rates stay like they are. Yes you have a hard time hunting a ms poke. But it's not p2w afterall.

5. Come on... That's already in the game. You can close the chat or even minimize it.

6. There is missing a bit shadow (sorry, probably bad English lol). You can see that and recognise it as something strange and try to interact.


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