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blue problem


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Guest kosokote
Our player also should do something also to stop this abuse


What we can do? tell me please? boycott them? dun think people in blue will work together :Angry:

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268512 so i know only mods can fix the problem on blue


To be honest, I dont think mods can do something about that, like many others already said, the ms price depends on number of players willing to buy and to sell

[glow=yellow]Yellow Server[/glow]


[glow=red]"Je suis malhonnête, et tu peux toujours être sûr qu'un homme malhonnête va être malhonnête... Franchement. Ce sont les hommes honnêtes qu'il faut surveiller car on ne peut jamais savoir lorsqu'ils vont faire quelque chose d'incroyablement...stupide." (cf. Jack Sparrow)[/glow]

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Guest kosokote
268512 so i know only mods can fix the problem on blue


To be honest, I dont think mods can do something about that, like many others already said, the ms price depends on number of players willing to buy and to sell


Oh, so u means that we should let these greedy people continue and become more and more. Come on man please think at the buyer side, grinding is not easy. Dun say i not think on the seller side. This problems is all about how grinding can give player how much money so that they can buy ms. U try ask all those seller to grind for more than 5 hour, then ask them to ask their conscious, is it good to sell ms for so high price? Grinding is hard................................

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268655 Oh, so u means that we should let these greedy people continue and become more and more


I never said that, indeed grinding is not easy, but no matter what we say, sellers are not gonna change their mind about that. If they can abuse the current server economy, they will just do so, that's sad but that's how business works.

[glow=yellow]Yellow Server[/glow]


[glow=red]"Je suis malhonnête, et tu peux toujours être sûr qu'un homme malhonnête va être malhonnête... Franchement. Ce sont les hommes honnêtes qu'il faut surveiller car on ne peut jamais savoir lorsqu'ils vont faire quelque chose d'incroyablement...stupide." (cf. Jack Sparrow)[/glow]

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