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Give the option to use Gen 6/Gen 5 animated sprites instead of static sprites?


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Right now battles feel extremely static and dull which, honestly, just contributes to the frustration of grinding and/or ev training. Having some movement in battles beyond the occasional battle move would alleviate some of that. Extra movement of the "camera" in the battle scene such as that seen in B/W2 would also be a boon but this seems much easier of a feature to implement.


The vast majority of Pokémon have their idle/back animations already cleaned up and posted online at Pkparaiso and I know for sure there's automated methods of importing and converting Gifs to scripted/animated textures in Unity so maybe it wouldn't be too gargantuan of a task to perform?

I believe Pkparaiso are fine with people using their work with credit. I know a few of the Pokémon seen in boss battles already use them sans animation, even a static version of the Gen 6 models would be an improvement in my opinion.


Alternatively to retain the style of the battle scene game, the animated sprites from Black and White 2 could be implemented which are equally easy to obtain. That presents a problem with the Gen 6 Pokémon in the game but it would be better than nothing. I'm sure not everyone agrees that animated Pokémon would improve the game, but the option to decide would be very appreciated.

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I think Potato PCs will burn out. Good way to reduce players, unless they can find a way to lessen the ram or memory it takes.


Tho im good with this animating sprites. [glow=green]+1[/glow]





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to the glory that will be revealed in us.

-Romans 8:18

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271909 I think Potato PCs will burn out. Good way to reduce players, unless they can find a way to lessen the ram or memory it takes.


Tho im good with this animating sprites. [glow=green]+1[/glow]

Well Pokemon Showdown works fine for almost everyone, and the guy even said that they should make it optional.


+1 for me, gen 6/stadium animations bring a lot of epicness to the battles!

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its all well and fine adding animated sprites, but we have a good ~25 custom pokemon for which we would need to make 16-32 frames for. I would prefer the Gen 5 style over gen 6 because gen 6 has absolute horrible edge marking.


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That is true, but I think it wouldn't be too hard to add some simple "idle" animation to the custom Pokémon. Even leaving out their animation entirely wouldn't have a large impact given the majority of Pokémon we see are normal ones. I definitely agree that Gen 5 style would fit the game a lot more, it would also make implementing shinies easier given we don't have rips for every Gen 6 shiny yet.

Creating Gen 5 style animations for the custom Pokémon would be a lot easier as well, the only issue I could see would be with the few Gen 6 Pokémon/Megas that are implemented given they are mostly still Gen 6 model images. But they already feel like a little bit of an anachronism.


If it were to be implemented I agree it should definitely be a togglable thing though, the only problem there being that it would increase the game's file size unless everyone used the new, updated sprites but animation was turned off. All-in-all the benefits definitely outweigh the negatives. Further down the line it would also be interesting if we could get Gen 5 style camera movement options in battle scenes but that's a far heftier task.


The issue I have is, right now, the battle system feels so far behind the modern Pokémon games. With the game's overworld itself using a spriting style similar to Gen 4/5 for which the custom sprites look gorgeous the battle system being so very static almost damages the experience. it sort of feels like you're playing Pokémon Battle Simulator.

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