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Well I been trying to see all the commands available and for now I have this:


[glow=red]Normal Commands:[/glow]


/Friend "username" = Add someone.

/Ignore "username" = Ignore someone

/Battle <username> Send battle request.

/Happy "1/6" = Pokes' happiness.

/Ref = Refresh the game to avoid stuck.

/Online = Users online. (Works with /on and /who)

/Play = Tells you when you joined + your playtime

/Add = Your ip address.

ALT + Enter = Changes the game from Full-screen to Windowed and vice-versa.

/Loc - System Location, show the x, y coordination and map name

/All <msg> Will post a msg to all channel

/ismember Displays your membership status.

/Pokedex Shows caught, seen, and evolved pokedex data.

/Pm<yourname>-=-<username> Sends a message. Example: /pm Roniix-=-Lobito



[glow=red]Guild Commands:[/glow] (WaterMage contribution)


/gcreate = to make a guild (only leader)

/gleave = to leave from the guild (all member)

/gmotd = to fill the motd guild / guild description (only leader)

/ginvite <Name> - Invite some1 to the guild - guild leader only



If you have any others post them here and I will edit it so it could be a complete list of commands! :Grin:





giphy.gifSometimes life is not what you expect... What really matters is to enjoy the little things...

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40339 /playtime


Thanks! I will update the post!





giphy.gifSometimes life is not what you expect... What really matters is to enjoy the little things...

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I think it should works and it's bugged, cause i tried it with any ways and it appears this message when i didn't put a text on the message: Vh6Qxnm.png





giphy.gifSometimes life is not what you expect... What really matters is to enjoy the little things...

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Thanks for your input sir ... :)

[glow=red]gánate el respeto de los demás, teniendo la osadía de ser tu mismo.


win the respect of others, having the courage to be yourself.[/glow]




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