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I realised that some people are asking on the forums how to create a guild, even in-game sometimes.

So if you are still wondering about how to , here is a explaining how to make one, editing the logo and managing the guild!


----- Requirements -----



This is the step that might stop you from creating a guild. Indeed, creating a guild will require :


- 100 hours play time (you can check your play time in the "Trainer" window, in game).

- $400,000.


And of course, you have to be guildless. If you already are part of a guild, you must leave it in order to create your own.


If you are able to make one, you can proceed to the next step.


----- Guild House Location -----



The Guild House can be found at the South-East of Saffron City, Kanto. There is no requirement to enter the building. You actually do not need to go there to create the guild, but you will need to go there to edit the guild logo anyway.




You will find these two guys inside : Guild Master (Manager) and Logo Master.



----- Creating the guild -----


As I mentioned before, you do not need to go to the Guild House in order to create the guild.



If you talk to the Guild Master, he will quickly explain what you need to create a guild, what name you can pick, and the command to finally create it. It is all summed up on this picture :



Now, If you are ready, you can open the chat and enter the following command :

/gcreate enteryourguildname



Example here with the name of my own guild :




After entering the command, you will see a confirmation message :



And finally a message confirming that the guild was created. It also gives you access to the Guild chat, that can only be seen by members of your guild.



----- Editing the logo -----


Unlike the previous step, you have to be at the Guild House to edit your guild logo.


You are now a brand-new guild leader, it is time to build your guild identity!

Talk to the Logo Master to edit your guild logo. Note that it can be done for free, you can change it as many times as you like and there is no cooldown on it. Though, you will have to wait half a minute before the guild logo is successfully changed.




Note that your logo is made of pixels, and made by your own. So you cannot upload any images! Though, you can choose an image and pixelize it enough on a software/site (16x16 pixels grid), then reproduce it in game using the logo tool.

This is how the logo tool looks like (gif quality) :


PROTIP : To add transparency around your logo, choose the colour that is bottom left-hand corner : grey. Then clic everywhere you want a pixel to be transparent.



Once you are happy with it and confirm it, you will see the following message :



Unleash the pixel artist within!



----- Managing your guild -----


You can access the guild window, through the "Social" menu on the left of your screen.



----- GUILD WINDOW ----



You will find the motto of the day (MOTD) which can be modified by the leader, and seen by everyone within the guild. It is pretty useful to send important messages to the guild, if you don't use a forum/Discord voice com, etc.




It is the memberlist, you can also see the ranks. By default, everyone is Initiate. You can promote someone by using the commands (see "commands" section below).

  • Guild Master: Can promote up to Officer and demote to Initiate.
  • Officer: Can promote to Member and demote to Initiate. Can invite/kick users to and from the guild.
  • Member: General guild member rank. Cannot do anything.
  • Initiate: New guild member. Cannot do anything.




For now, there is nothing here. You'll have to wait for guild updates!




----- COMMANDS -----




All you need to know is the commands available for you, guild leader! These commands must be entered in the chat, like you did to create your guild.




/ginvite username : to invite someone to your guild.

/ginvite Howlyn


/gmotd : to change the guild motto of the day (MOTD), available in the guild window.

/gmotd Hi everyone, Pokesafari event next week!


/gdisband : to disband (delete) the guild. You want to avoid this command. :)




/gpromote username : to promote someone in the guild, using the rank system listed above.

/gdemote username : to demote someone in the guild, using the rank system listed above.




/gjoin : to accept an invite sent.

/gleave : to leave the guild.


----- BENEFITS -----



PRO staff recently added benefits for being in a guild. They added %EXP bonus according to guild size. The more members you have, the more %EXP bonus you get.

  • <B>Guild Bonus: 2.5% more EXP with a guild with 25+ Players.
  • Guild Bonus: 2.5% more EXP with a guild with 50+ Players.
  • Guild Bonus: 2.5% more EXP with a guild with 75 Players (cumulatively giving a total of 7.5%).



----- Tips -----



First of all, you must know that there is no game content designed for guilds, unlike other games. It means that when you create a guild, you have to define what you will do along with your members. You could ask yourself some questions, like:


Why should people join my guild? (guild goals)

What am I going to do with my members? (guild activities)

What are the requirements going to be? (in order to join the guild and remain a part of it)

Am I going to use voice chats like Discord/TS? Even forums? (to structure the guild better, to talk between people or to simply share written information)



And I think that If you can answer these questions, your guild is on a good way. You can ask yourself more questions related to guild identity, hierarchy, if you want to go further. But it is up to you!

Also, listening to your members' suggestions is also important; unity matters!


Just keep in mind that a guild has "no use" in game, and it is up to YOU + guild members to give it a purpose.



----- Conclusion -----



Thank you for reading this guide, I hope you enjoyed it.

If you still have questions about the basics, feel free to ask below.

Any suggestions? Something I might have forgotten? Make sure to say it below!


Special thanks :

To everyone who listed up the commands on here :Available commands in PRO

To Pixiu who announced the new guild commands : Guild updates

To PRO staff for coming up with new commands/features for guilds.




Edited by Xylos
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