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random riolu spawn


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279334 Not sure if this is a bug or not but just in case https://prntscr.com/cnvbcv when i stepped on this specific tile a riolu spawned(the reason i did not took a pic while i was battling the riolu is because i did not realise until the battle ended that there was no rock that i broke in front of me).


Hello, isnt a bug but a random spawn.

In that specific tile a random riolu can spawn every day, or from time to time, we, players, still don't know how to control it or there is a guide about it.


From the feedback i got the only common things betwin the players is having 2000 or more discovery points.




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279334 Not sure if this is a bug or not but just in case https://prntscr.com/cnvbcv when i stepped on this specific tile a riolu spawned(the reason i did not took a pic while i was battling the riolu is because i did not realise until the battle ended that there was no rock that i broke in front of me).


Hello, isnt a bug but a random spawn.

In that specific tile a random riolu can spawn every day, or from time to time, we, players, still don't know how to control it or there is a guide about it.


From the feedback i got the only common things betwin the players is having 2000 or more discovery points.


6k+ and didnt know that

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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279334 Not sure if this is a bug or not but just in case https://prntscr.com/cnvbcv when i stepped on this specific tile a riolu spawned(the reason i did not took a pic while i was battling the riolu is because i did not realise until the battle ended that there was no rock that i broke in front of me).


Hello, isnt a bug but a random spawn.

In that specific tile a random riolu can spawn every day, or from time to time, we, players, still don't know how to control it or there is a guide about it.


From the feedback i got the only common things betwin the players is having 2000 or more discovery points.


6k+ and didnt know that

  • random number generation

An acronym for "random number generator" or "random number generation", it refers to the process by which computers generate apparently random numbers, essentially the computer equivalent of 'chance'.

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Guest SugarRed9
279334 Not sure if this is a bug or not but just in case https://prntscr.com/cnvbcv when i stepped on this specific tile a riolu spawned(the reason i did not took a pic while i was battling the riolu is because i did not realise until the battle ended that there was no rock that i broke in front of me).


Hello, isnt a bug but a random spawn.

In that specific tile a random riolu can spawn every day, or from time to time, we, players, still don't know how to control it or there is a guide about it.


From the feedback i got the only common things betwin the players is having 2000 or more discovery points.

I managed to capture the rilou at 1000ish discovery points.

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  • 2 weeks later...
279334 Not sure if this is a bug or not but just in case https://prntscr.com/cnvbcv when i stepped on this specific tile a riolu spawned(the reason i did not took a pic while i was battling the riolu is because i did not realise until the battle ended that there was no rock that i broke in front of me).

This isn't a bug because it's intended scheme that coded to spawn a wild Riolu (1-day cooldown) with RNG system.


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