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So me and some others were talking about guild houses , and new improvement to them when we ended up at guild wars. Most people would think it would be to long etc. I think we might need a spectate button for this to work tbh. Hoping for some feed back and more ideas/improvement.


- Each guild will have 1 Pvp guild wars event leader who picks who fights first etc.

- Each guild leader must pick top 5 members to represent them. So basically 5v5 guild wars.

- Same rules as pvp

- Only those 5 can gain prizes and will not be able to play again next guild war( so everyone has a chance).

- Monthly event



- Ranked points,

- items

- Pokemons

- Etc etc



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Guest LiquidSnakeK

I liked the original idea you had going with a Guild House. Where after a certain amount of rank or pvp points a guild can purchase a guild house and place it wherever they want in a specific region. They can then access a PC there, trade there, participate in guild wars there etc. A little bit of a stretch tho this idea. But what you have going sounds great. +1

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