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Should there be discipline action for report threats?


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294291 hmm, so plz don't ban me in the future when I start swearing at the people who report threats me.

The reason being, if they come out of the blue and report threats, there's nothing I can do based on what you are saying except for disabling chat and make myself feel better. So I make myself feel better by swearing at them.

I wouldn't recommend that. Since, to be honest, that makes you worse than them. Spreading toxicity isn't the way to go about it; do as both Digit and Lunestra said and keep screenshots of the incidents. If it continues then you can make a report for harassment. However, if you started to swear at them, they could easily report you for toxic behavior and I don't think you'd become immune to punishments because 'It makes you feel better' :P


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They don't need to do it repeatedly to make me feel bad, once is enough to make it a bad day (at least for me). And according to mods, doing it once is not a punishable action. But a group of user does it: if they think you over-price your pokemon? "reported". 500k for selling ms? "reported" And that is way more toxic than me responding in inappropriate language to them. And again, they are not punishable, I am.


GGWP, I just think it would be better to add at least some kind of restriction to this kind of behavior. I'm not saying perma ban them for a pm like that. But at least mute ban, idc for how long, to let them know there is a consequence for doing stuff like that. Again this behavior is among a group of user, which is not a repeated harassment. And it does not only happen to me.


Here's an example of my friend's experience like a month ago, the conversation goes something like this with my friend being A, and another player being B:

B: Yo, how much for a ms.

A: 500k

B: reported for scamming, STOP scamming newbees


My friends never told me if he got reported or not, but it's things like this I'm talking about and makes me really upset that it's not even punishable.

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They don't need to do it repeatedly to make me feel bad, once is enough to make it a bad day (at least for me). And according to mods, doing it once is not a punishable action. But a group of user does it: if they think you over-price your pokemon? "reported". 500k for selling ms? "reported" And that is way more toxic than me responding in inappropriate language to them. And again, they are not punishable, I am.


GGWP, I just think it would be better to add at least some kind of restriction to this kind of behavior. I'm not saying perma ban them for a pm like that. But at least mute ban, idc for how long, to let them know there is a consequence for doing stuff like that. Again this behavior is among a group of user, which is not a repeated harassment. And it does not only happen to me.


Here's an example of my friend's experience like a month ago, the conversation goes something like this with my friend being A, and another player being B:

B: Yo, how much for a ms.

A: 500k

B: reported for scamming, STOP scamming newbees


My friends never told me if he got reported or not, but it's things like this I'm talking about and makes me really upset that it's not even punishable.


I can understand what you mean, however I'll repeat what lunestra already said, reacting like you do with toxicity will result in more toxicity and also really give them a report reason. Just don't get provoked to that, ignore the user and report it. He'll receive a warning and on the next time we'll discuss if he's to be mute banned. I once had a case where the reporter also blackmailed someone into a trade, with no agreement at all. Ofcourse i took actions against this blackmailing attempt. I think both you and the staff could agree that the mentality of going around and telling people that they get reported for nothing is not right. We tackle this problem. A warning is marking a player for us staff, if we see someone doing offensive/rude actions again, eventhough he got warned, he will receive a harsher punishment.


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294090 As stated in an above comment, if this is a recurring thing from the same user feel free to log a harassment report and it will be dealt with accordingly, however please note one pm "reported" does not constitute harassment (have had that in the past - wont be dealt with the same way as a harassment case).

Which creates a small loophole in this instance :


Here are a few tips that you can use for your own benefit in those harassment matters ;

Firstly, you can screenshot (if repetitive by the same person or a pack of them (i.e. guild etc.) with the time-stamps on your game and pc time to create a small album in which, where and how those pesky little PM's occur, which will be easier to weed out and follow punishment protocols.

Secondly, if made by the same person over a period of time, and you can't be bothered to screenshot all of them whenever it happens, you can just minimize the PM box and move it to corner of your screen, in case it happens again and will be able to show time-stamps in those PM's.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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