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help!!!! :,(


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/Friend "username" = Add someone.

/Ignore "username" = Ignore someone

/battle <username> Send battle request.

/Happy "1/6" = Pokes' happiness.

/Ref = Refresh the game to avoid stuck.

/Online = Users online.

/Play = Tells you when you joined + your playtime

/add = Your ip address.

ALT + Enter = Changes the game from Full-screen to Windowed and vice-versa.

/loc - System Location, show the x, y coordination and map name

/All <msg> Will post a msg to all channel


:Angel: hope i helped






[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

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297126 i need to serch someone name :Frown: but how :Question: pls hlp me

Do you mean in-game or on the forums?

If in-game: You can try to contact them by doing /pm yourname-=-theirname . This will open a PM with the user that you're looking for (If they are online)

If on the forums: Go here and click "Find a Member." From there you can search for usernames, roles and such.


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


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297126 i need to serch someone name :Frown: but how :Question: pls hlp me

Do you mean in-game or on the forums?

If in-game: You can try to contact them by doing /pm yourname-=-theirname . This will open a PM with the user that you're looking for (If they are online)

If on the forums: Go here and click "Find a Member." From there you can search for usernames, roles and such.


my bad i missed one :confused:






[glow=red]"In this world,where ever there is light - there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be loosers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love."[/glow]

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