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More Efficient Way of Updating the Game


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This suggestion's title speaks for itself. I was just wondering if there could possibly be an auto-updater for the game so we won't have to delete and re-install the application every time there is an update. I don't mind re-installing the game personally but a better way to update the game would be nice.

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Guest LiquidSnakeK

+1 I agree. A more efficient manner to install the game would be great. Having to download new updates isn't bothersome. Its just the availability and efficiency I feel is missing.

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While we'd all love this feature in an ideal world, it's infeasible in the practical realty of it.


Bandwidth needs to be expended in order for the auto-updater's server to transmit all client-side updates to the client; that would take an extravagant toll on the server with how often one would need to update their client, and it's too bandwidth-expensive for the server to accommodate for at the end of the day.


Auto-updaters may be ubiquitous in other MMOs that you've played, but PRO takes on its own complexion from those that can afford high-end host PCs. Not only does PRO need a donation pool—something it isn't exactly replete of at this moment—to subsidize the servers; it also has to make do limited pool of hosts—that is, those that operate in the most copyright-liberal countries to safeguard against all the legal threats that loom this fan-made project—and it too often finds itself with low-end host-PC machines—hosts that aren't nearly as limitless in the bandwidth expenditures allowed as you see in for-profit, professionally developed MMOs.


The closest workaround we had to skirt around the bandwidth deficiencies is as Giovanni alluded to; Shane was able to engineer an auto-updater that minimized the bandwidth expenditures—in other words, only sending packets receptible for updates that weren't already in the user's client, as opposed to sending an obscene amount of packets to repackage the entire client—but as stated, too many experienced difficulties and were not OS-savvy off-hand to know how to fix it; as such, it would have come at a great expense of user-friendliness that was not overall-worthwhile in the end.


To reiterate, this would be an ideal feature; but there are too glaring of poisons to pick in order to workably accommodate for it, and neither are worthwhile just to spare players the manual labor of redownloading the client whenever an update is made thereon. The routine can get tiresome, but Shane at least tries to ensure infrequence to it by spacing out client updates amply between each other—typically only releasing client updates when major updates have been consolidated together over time or when it's categorically necessary (such as when there's a host-PC changeover and the client's port address needs changing, per se).

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