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Gaxue here


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Hey ladies and gents Gaxue here not new to the community just a new account. Look forward to interacting with you guys again. I like taking long walks on love island and gazing in my metagross eyes. Dont hate me because my meta is beautiful.



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302484 Hey ladies and gents Gaxue here not new to the community just a new account. Look forward to interacting with you guys again. I like taking long walks on love island and gazing in my metagross eyes. Dont hate me because my meta is beautiful.





Welcome to the forums as I can tell you've played PRO for a bit! Nice meta!!! My second favorite pokemon other than Psyducks are Metagross. Especially Shiny Mega-Metagross!



Server: Silver



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302484 Hey ladies and gents Gaxue here not new to the community just a new account. Look forward to interacting with you guys again. I like taking long walks on love island and gazing in my metagross eyes. Dont hate me because my meta is beautiful.





Welcome to the forums as I can tell you've played PRO for a bit! Nice meta!!! My second favorite pokemon other than Psyducks are Metagross. Especially Shiny Mega-Metagross!


Another meta lover!!!!!!!!!!! Great!

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