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Bot Infestation on Love Island


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Less players, less sellers, higher prices.

In January, the MS' price was actually going the other way, and as far as I remember, it was for about 90k$ for few days. It never stopped to raise since. Bots or not lately, they aren't the main reason prices are going high, only (or at least mainly) greed. Real 100% human greed.


Anyway, as you're probably aware, many staff members left quite recently; in order to be able to deal with such a devastating wave of botters that we can't help but read about it all over the forums every 30 minutes, they'd probably need to recruit and form new staff beforehand. :)

Or people are just over exaggerating, but that I can't know, I don't pay much attention to others' ingame wanderings



I do think bots have a hand in this. Maybe not the main reason, but they do play a part in controlling MS market.


You see, with the insane amount of pokedollars they got, botters wouldn't mind selling and buying MS for 1m, they got back the money easily anyway.


As long as there are rich botters, MS price will never go back to 150k-300k.



Only quoting this to comment on the complaint of higher prices of MS sellers:



If you are too lazy or whatever to sell good/epic pokémon to obtain money to buy an MS medal and have all the time to complain about rising MS prices instead, YOU are the one being greedy and above all, too incompetent to realize how a progressive and dynamic economy works.



Lol, I hope you realize how naive you are, like what starlight said botters are earning millions of poke$$ everyday thus they don't care whether ms prices or poke prices cost 5m+ as they'd get it back in a day. They don't care even if MS price goes up to 6m each, as they can earn up to 9m poke$$ by just botting in a day, thus it induces this mentality to "MS Sellers" and new players that "membership" cost this much, and so they'd sell it at that price too. creating a loop of B*llSh*T.


Buddy before you say that I'm incompetent and jump into your baseless conclusion, We can't really say that the economy in PRO and Economy IRL is totally the same, as there are some factors and variables that are present IRL and which aren't in PRO, IRL everyday trades are being managed and the prices of goods are being checked regularly by the Government etc. while in PRO we have T-Mods who manages trades but they don't give a FK on whatever price you put on your Item, giving players/individual the power to set whatever price his greed tells him, thus our economy works like this "I have the money, I decide the Price" and now combine this to an individual's greed and you get a HorsePOOP economy.


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304207 Lunestra wrote:

Source of the post Another mass ban like what happened a few months ago likely wont occur again.



Can I ask why? Is it because they are dealt with slowly or because we give up on them since they come back easily?

Due to how the purge was carried out, the process in how all of those accounts were auto-banned instantly. One of the main GM duties is to bot hunt, it was simplistic to us and overall probably Singham alone acquired more the overall bot bans than what came of the purge. Between the latest GM team that left; Lunestra, Yasham, Hideliet, between us we probably rid the servers of more bots than the purge also. There isnt really a critical need for another purge provided you have a good GM team, although that is something that no longer exists through no fault of us that departed.


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Funny thing is you're lurking on a bot forum (?)


What kinda business u got there boi? ;)


Checking the situation, perhaps? One local online game server I played had staffs who even downloaded bot programs, just so they can dissect and counter it with upgraded game guard.


Lol...well...never thought about it this was cuz stuff like botting is supposed to be super prohibited and i thought the case would be the same amongst staff too. But looks like rules can be bend a little. I definetely see ur point and it's actually quite a smart thing to do ^^


[glow=red]Check my


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I do think bots have a hand in this. Maybe not the main reason, but they do play a part in controlling MS market.


You see, with the insane amount of pokedollars they got, botters wouldn't mind selling and buying MS for 1m, they got back the money easily anyway.


As long as there are rich botters, MS price will never go back to 150k-300k.



Only quoting this to comment on the complaint of higher prices of MS sellers:



If you are too lazy or whatever to sell good/epic pokémon to obtain money to buy an MS medal and have all the time to complain about rising MS prices instead, YOU are the one being greedy and above all, too incompetent to realize how a progressive and dynamic economy works.




Buddy before you say that I'm incompetent and jump into your baseless conclusion, We can't really say that the economy in PRO and Economy IRL is totally the same, as there are some factors and variables that are present IRL and which aren't in PRO, IRL everyday trades are being managed and the prices of goods are being checked regularly by the Government etc. while in PRO we have T-Mods who manages trades but they don't give a FK on whatever price you put on your Item, giving players/individual the power to set whatever price his greed tells him, thus our economy works like this "I have the money, I decide the Price" and now combine this to an individual's greed and you get a HorsePOOP economy.


Baseless conclusion? It was not even a conclusion, so don't call my "conclusion" baseless.


And exactly where did i say this PRO economy is EXACTLY the same as IRL economy? Exactly, i never did. IN all chat i even argued against the people that say that PRO economy is exact same as IRL economy. Because it's not!


So pardon me, i do take a bit of offense with what you said. Also, please do not put words into my mouth.


That said, the botters that are still here on PRO must also be taken out. Let's make sure that happens asap.


Thank you.

A wanderer... is not always lost...


https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=7298&start=1210 Chronos <3

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304369 u said u see on bot furom?? then u mean ur using a bot to coz u are in the furom of bot right??? u will not go there if ur not using it...so how can u explain about it??? ur not using bot but u are in the bot furom..interesting right??


Ye that was kinda my reaction too but Starlight gave a kinda legit explanation to this so...


[glow=red]Check my


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304232 while in PRO we have T-Mods who manages trades but they don't give a FK on whatever price you put on your Item

Why would they? Trade mods are to ensure the trade market stays legit, not dictate what you are allowed to sell things for. Everyone values things differently, for example some kid may have a mudkip and its his favourite pokemon, he will see that as an amazing pokemon and sell higher than someone that doesnt particularly like mudkip, and doesnt care for the sale price. Theres the difference in price people ask for, trade mods arent there to then scold a player for wanting 200k for a average mudkip, its his item, he can ask for whatever price he wants... whether he sells it at that price or not is dependant on the buyer, too dear, dont buy - simple.


Now apply this reasoning as to why trade mods do not dictate prices across the entirety of the PRO trade market, MS included. It isnt staffs place to say what you can or cant sell something at in a player built economy.

304369 u said u see on bot furom?? then u mean ur using a bot to coz u are in the furom of bot right??? u will not go there if ur not using it...so how can u explain about it??? ur not using bot but u are in the bot furom..interesting right??

I also used to frequently visit their forum, (mainly to laugh at the "BANNED????" topics), doesnt mean i used a bot though, just researching :P


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