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Re: EDIT: Selling Shiny Dratini (Instant) !!!


<r><QUOTE author="MangoMaster"><s>

</s>I sell this shiny Dratini! Prabably the the first one in Yellow! <-- No it's not you stupid mango (Edit)<br/>

<IMG src="https://s12.postimg.org/txy18ucr1/Screen_Shot_2016_11_14_at_18_59_41.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>


Errm since I think that the auction is cancelled now I think that the only option is instant.<br/>


Instant: 13m<e>


Whats going on with this?</r>


Guest SugarRed9

Re: EDIT: Selling Shiny Dratini (Instant) !!!


<r><QUOTE author="MangoMaster"><s>

</s><POST content="310475"><s></s>310475<e></e></POST> Since the auction is kinda cancelled right now, because rsoe could not pay I guess I can only sell it per insta I guess lol.<e>

But wasn't that a fake bid if rsoe didn't have the money?</r>

Re: EDIT: Selling Shiny Dratini (Instant) !!!


<r><QUOTE author="MangoMaster"><s>

</s><POST content="310482"><s></s>310482<e></e></POST> Yup seems like it is<e>

If you restart your auction id like to offer you at 9m tthen you could go from there</r>


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