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Playing in two accounts


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So, I looked into this and found the information a bit confusing. My friend and I play in the red server, but it seems he will be away for a bit and I asked to finish his hoenn questline for him because he didn't feel like doing it either. So the two accounts are obviously registered to two different emails, and I wanted to know if any of the following scenarios would have any problems if my friend lends me his account:


- Playing with two accounts at the same time in the same computer.

- Playing with two accounts in the same computer, but not opening both at the same time.

- Playing with each account on a different computer but with the same internet connection.


Thanks in advance.

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307635 So, I looked into this and found the information a bit confusing. My friend and I play in the red server, but it seems he will be away for a bit and I asked to finish his hoenn questline for him because he didn't feel like doing it either. So the two accounts are obviously registered to two different emails, and I wanted to know if any of the following scenarios would have any problems if my friend lends me his account:


- Playing with two accounts at the same time in the same computer.

- Playing with two accounts in the same computer, but not opening both at the same time.

- Playing with each account on a different computer but with the same internet connection.


Thanks in advance.

No need to worry. All of these are fine. Multi-clienting (Playing with two accounts at the same time in the same computer.) is debated a bit but it really depends on what you're doing. Though, playing with just two accounts is OK :)


For reference, you can look at these rules:

- You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person.

- Account sharing is not recommended, however if you share the account with someone they must also agree to the Terms and Conditions, and they become your responsibility for any actions which violate the Terms of Service.


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


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307635 - Playing with each account on a different computer but with the same internet connection.

This not a problem i play with my brother with the same internet.

307639 - Playing with two accounts in the same computer, but not opening both at the same time.

This also not a problem i use this.

307635 - Playing with two accounts at the same time in the same computer.

Here, i am not sure because i think you need somme other programs to can open 2 at the same time, same computer. It maybe considered as hacking!??!!

But i am not sure for this.

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64bit and 32bit version = 2 clients open


I did it myself for a bit, it will break the rules if you start PVPing against each other.

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Nathan sumed things up pretty well, I just want to add that it was mostly "debated a bit" at times when there were log in queues: if everyone would have played on 2 accounts in the meantime back then, queues would have been insanely long... But there are no queues nowadays, so you're not taking someone's slot. :)


However, if your friend ever break enough rules to get IP banned, I don't know if they would ban every IP who accessed the account or only the main one... I hope you'll never find out. :p

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