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309516 Why am i banned??? Icant find the reason why to make an appeal.

Hi, are you using a proxy? If so, try disabling it. Also, if you're playing on a public connection, i.e. School, Work, then the service provider might have blocked the game manually. If this is the case then you'll need to ask them to unblock it. You could also use a VPN to connect from a different IP.


P.S. You should remove the picture of your account dashboard. You're showing your IP.


Check out PRO's Official Discord:


309516 -snip/quote]


Hello nzuk, I am sorry about the inconvenience of that experience, there is some steps you can try to do in order to secure your account, you can fin them in this topic, under "Hit by IP banned?".

Hit by IP banned?


Please login here to find out the reason for your ban: https://pokemonrevolution.net/dashboard and give me feedback on your reason. If it doesn't say your account is banned, this can be caused by a few things, your account isn't banned but something on your connection is.


Are you using Proxy?

Try to not using it, and then test again


Are you trying to play at home/work/school?

Your school/work or any public connection, they could have had their IP blocked already or be blocking the game on their network, you would need to ask them to find if that's the case


It could also be your provider blocking the game, which case you could try contacting your internet provider to try and get it unblocked as seen in this post

You could also use a VPN although you should check you're allowed first


If you are indeed banned, please post an appeal here: viewforum.php?f=32

And like the other users said, sometimes a reset to your router is enough to disable this issue in this situations.

Hope I was able to help and quote me in this topic in order to find future solutions/ know if it worked.


(p.s. I removed the IP from your image for your safety, be careful sharing personal information in public chats ;) )




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