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Top 5 of yours and why?


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1. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood -> Ever since I decided to watch this masterpiece 3 years ago, I thought to myself how hard it would be in the future to have an anime that could surpass this series. Everything from the fleshed out characters to the deep and almost flawless story is freakin gorgeous and something really hard to do. The big thing about this series is that in the beginning it feels u're being told a story about 2 brothers who lost their mom and tried to bring her back to life, facing the consequences. With that presentation you would assume this would be the typical shounen where you follow the main cast and the world building is 2nd plan. However that is not the case. The characters grow as the story progresses, and you can see that. It gives you the feel you're living on their world, it's surprinsigly realistic. Not only the "good guys" of the show are amazingly built, the villains also make you care about them. I cried when 2 of the villains died, I felt sad for them even though their motives were not heroic. And that alone is something not a lot of animated series, movies or books can do.


2. Steins Gate -> When I watched the first 2~3 episodes of the show I asked myself why was it so hard to understand what was going on. I continued to watch it to fill that gap I felt was empty and needed a clear explanation of what was actually going on. I could not be more pleased. Watching this series was like seeing a puzzle being deconstructed and reconstructed piece by piece. The plotline of it is mindblowing and seeing it completed by the end of it, never felt so reliefed.


3. Death Note -> I will start by saying im not a big fan of Police or Detective tagged series. However I had the feeling Death Note was way more than that. Thankfully I was right, and it turned out to be one of my favourite shows of all time. Let's start with what caught my attention in the first place: It's concept. A notebook where you can write a name of someone you know or at least seen the face of and get that individual killed. That obviously caughts your attention right? Anyway, moving on to (in my opinion) the greatest virtue of it. The War of Ideals between the 2 main characters that drive the entire show by themselves. Truly something praisable is seeing how 2 characters totally different from each other, can find ways to entertain the viewer with mere ideals. Sadly the second part of the show isn't as great but I will not extend this review much further.


4. Hunter X Hunter (2011) -> At first when you take a look at this series and watch the first episodes you ask yourself: how did this show got so much praise? It's a fact that I believe diehard fans of HunterXHunter can't deny. It feels childish at first. But as the show progresses you see some dark themed scenes that really constrasts with the overall bright scenes you are presented with. As the story progresses you see the main cast of characters developing alongside. And for me that's always a plus because it gives a feel of reality to the show. To me, when I was watching this It felt like an episode lasted for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, you get to the last arc of the series and you see a huge tone shift. Everything you see on this arc makes you question several times: was this really the same show I watched a few episodes ago? And you know what's best out of this shift? It didn't felt forced at all. It actually felt natural and connected well with the story. It's a wonderful journey, worth to go through every moment of it.


5. Neon Genesis Evangelion -> I gotta say this. Never expected to see myself shocked towards this, assuming I've watched a lot of drama series/ psychological series and this specific one took the cherry on top of the cake. Even though it's main theme is mecha action show, it really knows how to flesh out characters. This is where the main character comes in. You can really feel what he feels, pain, joy, anger, etc. The connection Evangelion establishes between you and the character is simply amazing. That is something you don't feel and see very often. Then later on the series you are introduced to another character, and guess what, before you realize it, you're once again fully connected to it to the point if ur emotions are the same as the fictional character.



Katanagatari; Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica; Re:Zero; Anohana; Mirai Nikki.

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My top favorite anime, in the order of which I watched them growing up, so my number 1 isn't actually 1. xD


1. Fullmetal Alchemist (original anime)

I put this one first, mostly because it was one of my two first anime and I cherish it dearly! I watched it from the beginning the anime was airing, watching it every Saturday back to back with Inuyasha with my best friend!


2. Inuyasha

Really mostly because it's associated with great memories! I watch this anime now and it's a tad bit different than I remember when I was 11, lol.


3. Bleach

I just remember obsessing over this! I loved it. The filler arcs made me want to cry though lol. It put action and fantasy (because frankly zanpakuto are fantastical) together and it was just a really well done show. Better manga, but I went through both!


4. Fairy Tail

This is my number 1. There is no anime/manga I adore more than Fairy Tail. Being obsessed with Harry Potter, finding an anime with dragons and wizards was hitting the jackpot for me. More than anything, I loved the chemistry between the characters and the overall character development. It's truly beautifully done. I loved this anime/manga before most people knew about it! It seems like it took a while for it to shoot up there with some of the other popular anime/manga!


5. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

I loved both of the anime, despite most people's intense dislike towards the original. They both had their own story and I really liked that. I read the manga along side while watching the original anime and loved both!

I really like that they made another anime based on the manga.



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Mirai Nikki


FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood

Death Note



These are the top ones I have enjoyed. Naruto gets a reserved spot in my top five because it is my entire childhood and has always been close to me :Crazy:


I'm not sure whether I want Re:Zero or Future Diary in my #1 because I enjoyed them both a lot, so consider them a tie for me.

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1.Hunter x Hunter

Hunter x Hunter is on top of my list because I have been following it a very long time, and it amazes by how good this anime is, despite being old.

I have


Same as Hunter x Hunter

3.Re Zero

I really like the plot of this anime.

4.Gurren Laggan

I just love the universe of this anime, the characters are so cool and the music is really good.

5.GTO/School rumble

For the jokes

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1. fairy tail: it have man epic thing like: dragons, demons, immortal people and magic

2. akame ga kill: just howmany characters are gonna die

3. one piece: howmany idiots are sitting in the straw hat gang like always hungry luffy and sleepy zoro

4. black bullet: just like the story line a lot

5. Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan: the comedy is briliant with a boy with psychic powers and idiots as friends

special mentions:

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, noragami, owari no seraph, sword art online and Joukamachi no Dandelion

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