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Sleep Clause and Other PvP Rules


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322215 Today I was battling against a member named Samu94 and I am guilty of accidentally sleeping two of his pokemon with my Amoonguss. Soon after realizing I slept two of his pokemon I messaged him and told him that I forgot about his second sleeping pokemon. He then asked me to forfeit by disconnecting from the game. I wanted to forfeit but I did not want to have the 45 minute time restriction place on me. After refusing to disconnect he threatened to report me and said I am an unfair player. Samu94 if you are reading this you have every right to report me but I am saying all of this for a reason. The PvP rules and clauses need to be implemented in-game. I can honestly say the way the PvP is ran right now is very unprofessional and needs to change. Not everybody knows about these PvP rules and clauses and people are bound to forget. It's just a part of being human. Staff members are forced to constantly look at petty reports about people sleeping two pokemon, people using two of the same pokemon, people using illegal moves, etc. Time is spent doing this while it can be spent on other things such as improving the game and adding new content. Well I decided to post this so hopefully somebody that is able to fix this reads this post and acts upon it.


i hope a forfeit button comes out soon

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322215 Not everybody knows about these PvP rules and clauses and people are bound to forget

the rules are able to be viewed before you even get into ranked pvp......


I'm talking about in-battle... People obviously know about sleep clause but if you forget that you slept one pokemon and proceed to sleep another a problem arises that could have been solved if clauses were implemented.

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322215 Today I was battling against a member named Samu94 and I am guilty of accidentally sleeping two of his pokemon with my Amoonguss. Soon after realizing I slept two of his pokemon I messaged him and told him that I forgot about his second sleeping pokemon. He then asked me to forfeit by disconnecting from the game. I wanted to forfeit but I did not want to have the 45 minute time restriction place on me. After refusing to disconnect he threatened to report me and said I am an unfair player. Samu94 if you are reading this you have every right to report me but I am saying all of this for a reason. The PvP rules and clauses need to be implemented in-game. I can honestly say the way the PvP is ran right now is very unprofessional and needs to change. Not everybody knows about these PvP rules and clauses and people are bound to forget. It's just a part of being human. Staff members are forced to constantly look at petty reports about people sleeping two pokemon, people using two of the same pokemon, people using illegal moves, etc. Time is spent doing this while it can be spent on other things such as improving the game and adding new content. Well I decided to post this so hopefully somebody that is able to fix this reads this post and acts upon it.


i hope a forfeit button comes out soon

Same here bro. :D:

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322220 Yop sucks, i agree.^^


This can happen at any time, sometimes fights take like 30mins and u can misclick or forget that a poke is sleeping. I would never forfeit the battle tho and still fight to an end. He has every right to report me and thats ok. Its as u said part of human being. Since u arent abusing it i think the worst scenario which could happen is that u get a warning. But if u keep forgetting it or keep misclicking it its also ok if u get a bigger punishment tho. :y:

So u learn it the hard way. xd


Me on my part would love to see moves/items/abilities/tms added before any other new content appears. (like mounts, new region etc.)


Problem here is, that PRO-staff just has stricted access to the code. And all the mappers, mount-makers ( xd, what a name invention! :Heart: ) scripters arent able to code/fix battle/item-related issues (if i understand it right during my time here in PRO), so we can just hope Shane gets some more time for stuff like this in the new year after xmas-Event. ;)


And same goes for smth like "dont sleep x-poke if x-poke is already asleep". Which also would be PvP-specific, i dont even know if thats a rule in Pokemon Online battle, i just know about showdown or official tournaments (cause smogon rule, good rule tho, dont get me wrong).

Yeah definitely man. I too would love to see moves, items, abilities, and tms added. Hopefully Shane gets more time and is willing to work on these things. It'd definitely make a huge difference. Thank you for your response Coop. It's nice to see that someone shares the same opinions as me.

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