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New Mauville - gate won't open


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I have ran into an issue with a gate in new Mauville.

I have defeated all the team Aqua/Magma members, but the gate to the northen part will not open. I have also found a map chunk, that pusshes you away (do not know, if it is related somehow with the gate, like hidden switch).


I have also searched (hopefully) every crate or object for switches.

I have also looked at some walkthrough, where the gate was opened after defeating lastest team aqua member.


On that walkthrough, it awas also Pulse and Minun poke-npc wandering around the powerplant, here they are also missing.

And the last gate near entrance will not also disapper after team magma/aqua members are defeated...


So .. is it a bug, or something has changed and I am missing something?


Thank you :)


EDIT: Thanks for help, mystery man, the location has been re-set for me, pulse and minun spawned, hidden switch spawned. Thank you :)



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"Map chunk" has been fixed.


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